Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I hope you have a wonderful day, remembering the amazing Love that caused God to enter Earth in the form of a child born in a lowly manger - just for you and me!

I trust you are letting that Love permeate your day, as you enjoy time with friends and family, whether they are present or away.

Since you are taking a moment online, perhaps this would be a good time to catch up on any of the blog posts you've missed, this month in particular. May it bring a refreshing to your spirit, as you think about all the symbolism during this special season.

I am taking a few days off writing this week to relax and enjoy family. I will get back to you sometime next week.

Also, if you've missed any of the bi-weekly ezines, or want to see a past issue, I've added them to the archive at:

May your blessings pass through to bless others today!

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