Friday, October 3, 2008

Smiles for Your Day!

I just came back in from a refreshing walk in the garden. Here is a picture of some of the produce I picked.

I know! I know it’s a little silly! I can’t help seeing faces or smiles everywhere I go! I guess it just reflects my optimistic outlook!

In case you’re not sure, the produce I picked are tomatoes, a fig, and… well, we actually had this banana sitting in the fruit bowl, so I just added to it.

Why not take a look around you today to see what smiley faces you can find throughout your day? Maybe you’ll end up taking a picture of it and sending it to a friend to brighten up their day too! And hopefully you’ll send a link to my blog so they can see you’re not totally crazy all by yourself! ;-)

Here’s another picture I took when I opened a bottle of wine with a dinner guest one night. You got it! She is an artist too! Looks like a couple of figs made their way into this one as well. In fact, we started putting all kinds of household items together to make more silly faces and taking pictures of them. See if you can figure out what the other items are.

You can see more of these pix at this photo link:
(You might need to hold your cursor on the titles to read all the words.)

Enjoy a little fun today! Laughter is great medicine for what ails your spirit!

In fact, if you have funny things to share, please send them to me at I’m gathering some things to put together at a special page to share with others online.

1 comment:

Roxanne Steed said...

hehehe - it's like serendipity! I was just looking at those pictures the other day!!Glad you're on the same wavelength!