Thursday, October 16, 2008

Paint Your Life Better!

The pastor of our church discovered I was an artist. Right away he asked if I’d be interested in painting a mural on the wall of the nursery. This is where infants sleep and volunteers rock the babies needing it. He thought it would be great to give them a nice place to escape to when they’re rocking. After all, when someone holding a baby is peaceful, it can help the child calm down also.

In thinking about what I would paint on the wall, I wanted it to be something with depth, so their eye would take them far away. The only challenge with the wall was that there was a window on one end.

As I mulled over the challenge, I decided to make the window part of the painting. I incorporated it as part of a beach-type shack so it would blend in perfectly. That would add to the 3-D effect even more!

While I spent the day painting, I thought about the life and faith lessons involved. Several thoughts emerged:

  • We all have choices in life. You can accept a boring blank life or you can choose to do something about it, imagine the possibilities and add some color to your life! Take responsibility for who you are, what you see and do, and what you are becoming.

  • Life is what you make it. No matter what happens, good or bad, you can choose what you focus on. There were three other walls in the nursery room, so each person could make the choice about which way they'd face and what they would focus on as they were rocking.

  • Your life is a blank canvas. You can do anything with it you choose. It is just ripe with so many possibilities and potential to become something great – and interesting and beautiful to look at as well! So “put your thinking cap on,” as my teacher used to say, and do something with it!

Today would be a great day to look for all the potential in your life. What areas of challenges are there that could be turned around and used as an asset? How can you take your "window on the wall" from an obstacle to an opportunity?

What new things can you weave throughout the ordinary everyday patterns of your life? What little things can you add, take away, or tweak to make your day (and ultimately your life) more memorable? Enjoy the process!

For a link to our awesome church, visit:

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