Yesterday I went to meet a childhood friend at a coffee shop. We hadn’t seen each
What a great philosophy! I decided that was good advice said in a clever way. I thought it would be fun to write about in my blog as well, so I said a quick prayer that the SUV was going to pull into the same parking lot as I was where I could park and get a picture of the bumper sticker – just for my blog readers! As it turned out, they were going to the same place, so I was able to park nearby and walk over to say hello and explain why I wanted to take a picture of the sticker.
Once I finished and retrieved from the car a gift bag for my friend, I headed in for the rendezvous. On the way in, through the parking lot and the store, there must have been about 6-8 people with whom I exchanged eye contact and smiles. It was amazing to me that everyone seemed to be ready with a smile!
Did I have lipstick smeared across my face or was my hair standing up in a strange way or what?! Apparently people were ready to smile and be smiled at this day! Maybe the lingering smile I had on my face from the bumper sticker and being able to capture it very conveniently was still obvious and contagious!
The enthusiastic greeting with a big hug from my friend was welcomed. We both ordered hot chocolates for a change and enjoyed watching the coffee barrister make a masterpiece with whipped cream, fudge drizzles, white chocolate shavings, a rolled chocolate accent tucked in the side, and a dash of cinnamon on top. It was almost too beautiful to consume! But we decided we needed to get some spoons to help us appreciate the workmanship a little more!
All the while, everywhere I looked, there seemed to be smiles galore from perfect strangers. Maybe they were living vicariously through our joy as two childhood friends reconnected – or maybe they were enjoying the chocolate masterpiece through new eyes as we expressed our delight! Or maybe they have been reading my blog posts! ;-) A kind gentleman even offered to take a picture of us together, as he saw me with my camera.
As we chatted and shared common memories and some of the things we had gone through in our separate grown-up lives, she was reminded of a time when she was so depressed and couldn’t seem to shake it for some reason. To help herself get out of it, she went down to a café where she ordered a bowl of chili. As she was sitting there, a lady came in, looked around, and all of sudden made eye contact with her. The lady’s face just lit up as she grinned ear to ear, the broadest most intense and loving smile my friend had ever seen. My friend could not stop watching her as the woman completed her purpose and left. She felt her spirits lift and the weight fell off. She had finally broken free of the oppressive spirit on her.
What a powerful story! It reminded me that we need to be lights in the world wherever we go, being aware of others around us who may need the lightness, hope and joy in our souls that mere living cannot take away. Although my friend wondered if this was an angel sent to answer her prayer or a mere mortal, I assured her that an angel is just a messenger from God, so it mattered not the form the messenger took. In essence we may very well be an angel to those needing a touch from God on any particular day!
After our meeting, I stopped in at the post office, praying all the way that the lines wouldn’t be so long at the moment I got there. Again my simple prayer was answered. I didn’t have to wait too unreasonably long. But as I waited, one person behind me reached out to help another with some boxes that were falling. Since the ice had been broken, the people in line all started laughing and smiling and talking to each other. The gentleman then commented that we were all involved in a national bonding exercise by waiting in line at the post office during this busy season! Therefore, it was easy to smile and talk with others while waiting. It turned the whole experience into fun, while sharing a common problem and exposing our human reactions in a positive way.
Kudos to the insightful man! Although I didn’t say anything this time, I was silently applauding him. I am usually the commentator or instigator in such situations. But it was nice to be an observer and notice the reactions of the people receiving the inspiration!
Perhaps I could ask you today: What are you giving out to others?
If you’re not sure, here’s a hint: what are you receiving from others?
If you’re receiving cold stares or curt remarks, perhaps you’re a little too preoccupied or uptight or stressed out. Maybe it’s time to “cast your cares on him who cares for you.” – 1 Peter 5:7 (paraphrased) Maybe you need to breathe a little more, take a walk or let some things go that are not really that important. (Or come up with your own silly faces like this one I found to
night as I prepared parsnips for dinner!)
If you’re receiving smiles and warm comments and meeting friendly people, you’re probably open to others and giving out the good vibes! Keep it up! The other uptight people need what you’ve got!
You may never realize the power of a smile until you’re the one needing it…
If you’re receiving smiles and warm comments and meeting friendly people, you’re probably open to others and giving out the good vibes! Keep it up! The other uptight people need what you’ve got!
You may never realize the power of a smile until you’re the one needing it…
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