The first message was the bumper sticker I mentioned in my post a couple days ago, reading: “Wag more, Bark less.” I guess you could say I am being reminded to hug others and smile more, embracing them

The next message was a video a friend sent to me that she titled “Peace.” This is an interesting modern day interpretation of the passage in Isaiah 11:6 about how, when peace returns, even the wild animals getting along with their natural enemies. Quite a picture! You can check the video out here:
The last message I received was confirmed at my annual physical at the doctor’s office. The only area he said I needed to improve was in getting more exercise, so my cholesterol readings would be better. This was the clincher to me on an article I had just read which reminded me about having pets to keep you healthy! (You can read it here if you like: - see “Links for your Good Health.”)
I had already written down my goal to walk more, and had started looking for a dog to help me accomplish a more active lifestyle. It’s easy as a writer to stay stuck in one position at the keyboard longer than is best when you’re in the flow! Although it can sometimes be a bother to have to take the dog out, I know the rewards are greater than the trouble.
It seems there are a few things we can learn from a dog’s life! Let’s wag a lot more, don’t bark unless it’s important, learn to put our differences aside to get along with even

If you know any sweet-tempered little Chihuahuas looking for a good home, let me know…! ;-)
P.S. You can see more cute animal pictures at:
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