In reflecting on the passage in Psalm 37 quoted in yesterday’s post, I just had to continue with those thoughts. Here are the verses I highlighted:
The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. – Psalm 37:23, KJV
The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. – Psalm 37:23, KJV
If the LORD delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand. - Psalm 37:23-24, NIV
I love the way the King James Version puts it, in speaking of “ordered steps.” As you may know if you’ve been reading my blog posts very long, I love order, patterns, and things working systematically. I like to know that if I do something it will have the desired result.
It’s good to know there are formulas for living that really do work. That is one of the reasons I think the Bible is the world’s greatest psychology book, as it explains and defines who we truly are as spiritual beings with a physical body. It shows how our life works when we think and act right, as well as when we don’t. It is inspired and written under the direction of the Creator of us all.

The Bible could also be called “The Handbook for Humans Operating at their Peak Potential!” or “How to Really Live Life” – written by the one who created and designed us! Doesn’t that really make the most sense – that we find out who we really are and who we were designed to be by our own Creator?!!No wonder we have an empty place, restlessness, a sense of unfulfillment, wondering what our true purpose is and why we are here! We are trying to figure things out ourselves, trying to blindly find our own way, or following others who are blindly trying to find their way! Isn’t it time to look up and ask the Creator what his unique plan is for our lives – one day at a time?
I know that I am the kind of person who likes to know the big picture and see the future so I can plan effectively and get there. But God knows that although he gives me glimpses of the future as I need to see them, that I will be strongest and most effective in life if I have to keep going back to him day after day to keep in touch with the moments and what he would have me be doing right now!
I love the way the King James Version puts it, in speaking of “ordered steps.” As you may know if you’ve been reading my blog posts very long, I love order, patterns, and things working systematically. I like to know that if I do something it will have the desired result.
It’s good to know there are formulas for living that really do work. That is one of the reasons I think the Bible is the world’s greatest psychology book, as it explains and defines who we truly are as spiritual beings with a physical body. It shows how our life works when we think and act right, as well as when we don’t. It is inspired and written under the direction of the Creator of us all.

The Bible could also be called “The Handbook for Humans Operating at their Peak Potential!” or “How to Really Live Life” – written by the one who created and designed us! Doesn’t that really make the most sense – that we find out who we really are and who we were designed to be by our own Creator?!!No wonder we have an empty place, restlessness, a sense of unfulfillment, wondering what our true purpose is and why we are here! We are trying to figure things out ourselves, trying to blindly find our own way, or following others who are blindly trying to find their way! Isn’t it time to look up and ask the Creator what his unique plan is for our lives – one day at a time?
I know that I am the kind of person who likes to know the big picture and see the future so I can plan effectively and get there. But God knows that although he gives me glimpses of the future as I need to see them, that I will be strongest and most effective in life if I have to keep going back to him day after day to keep in touch with the moments and what he would have me be doing right now!

Although our God is a God who provides for the future, we don’t have to worry about the future or even try to figure it out! Most of us have a challenging enough time with right now and getting through today being all that we should be!
I urge you today to take some time to breathe, to go to a quiet place and reconnect with your Creator, who knows you intimately, who wrote the Handbook for your life. He knows your tomorrows; he knows your yesterdays; and he knows your today.
So enjoy his presence in the moment today. Be aware of the warmth of his love, his breath on your shoulder as he guides you, and the little surprises of love and care he wants to sprinkle along your path, as he leads you to bless others this day!
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