Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I hope you have a wonderful day, remembering the amazing Love that caused God to enter Earth in the form of a child born in a lowly manger - just for you and me!

I trust you are letting that Love permeate your day, as you enjoy time with friends and family, whether they are present or away.

Since you are taking a moment online, perhaps this would be a good time to catch up on any of the blog posts you've missed, this month in particular. May it bring a refreshing to your spirit, as you think about all the symbolism during this special season.

I am taking a few days off writing this week to relax and enjoy family. I will get back to you sometime next week.

Also, if you've missed any of the bi-weekly ezines, or want to see a past issue, I've added them to the archive at:

May your blessings pass through to bless others today!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

It's A Wrap!

Tis the day before Christmas…! I trust you have all your shopping done and gifts wrapped by now?

It occurs to me that even the Christmas wrapping experience has a faith lesson involved. Why do we wrap up the gifts we give? How much care do we give to that part of the gift-giving? Have you ever spent more on the wrapping than on the gift itself?! Does any of this even matter?

I believe the most important things we need to think about are heart issues. The spirit in which we give is what’s even more important than the gift itself.

What are you wrapping up to give others for Christmas, spiritually speaking? What’s inside your package? Have you accepted the gift of Love into your heart that the baby Jesus first brought to us on that bright starry night?

Just think about the greatest gift ever! It was the baby wrapped in swaddling clothes. He was gift-wrapped for us. He was and is the total package. We never have need of another gift.

What gift can we give back to the Christ Child, in light of his gift to us?

Someone connected me to a short but powerful music video that asks this question: What does Jesus want for Christmas? I share the link with you here.

The greatest gift of all… is to give yourself.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Heart and Hands

Several years in the past I have decided to make Christmas gifts for family and friends. I have always enjoyed making artsy crafty things and sharing them with others. Some of the items I have made include: soaps, Friendship Tea, silhouettes & scherenshnitte (paper cuttings) & works of art. As an Impressionist oil painter, I may give small paintings, boxes of note cards with pictures of my paintings on them, or framed prints of my paintings.

These gifts I call those that are “Sent from my heart and hands to your hands and heart.”

Our hearts truly inspire the work of our hands - and our creative minds! This year I’ve even had fun creating virtual products online. I’ve used images of my paintings and my photographs to create fun gifts. For more inspiration, if you’re so inclined, check out my online shop at: You can upload your own images to design gifts as well.

If you wish to see more of my art, you can visit: Some images of the whimsical scherenshnitte I cut out are at:

“We love him, because he first loved us.” – 1 John 4:19. A great passage to remind about the real essence of Love is 1 John 4:7-21. Now would be the perfect time to read it, as it was Love Incarnate (in the flesh) who was born on Christmas Day.

May your physical gifts and those gifts in word and deed inspire your family and friends with your thoughtfulness, love and caring!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Advent Tree

Do you have a Christmas tree up this year? Have you ever paused to think about why we have a tree at Christmas?

The symbolism of the Christmas tree, or Advent tree, as it’s called before the arrival of Christmas, was brought to my attention at church last week.

Shape: the tree is a triangle, representing the Trinity, the Triune Godhead, the Three-in-One. The shape of the triangle also points toward Heaven, as reminder to keep our focus on God, and our perspective above our earthly temporary circumstances.

Color: the tree is green as a fresh and live tree. This symbolizes life. You could interpret that as new life coming down from Heaven as the baby Jesus, or the life of a living faith that we celebrate through the years.

Décor: we usually decorate the tree with various ornaments, including lights and symbols of things that are important to us. The act of decoration symbolizes the beauty God sees in us, as the Church, his Bride, gets ready for Christ the Bridegroom to come.

Lights: the tree is usually brightly lit with strands of light. This symbol reminds us that Christ is the Light of the world. The lights from the tree look the most beautiful and appear the brightest in the darkest place. We are reminded to let our lights shine forth with the light of Christ in us to a dark and sinful world.

Water: let us not forget to water the tree so the tree will have life and the needles (leaves) will stay moist and supple, not grow dry, brittle, or fall off. This is a reminder to us to grow our roots down deep into the Word of God, drinking in the Source of our power & growth & life from the wellspring of life that will never run dry.

Take a new look at your Christmas tree today. “Sit a spell” and meditate on all the symbols you can find that have meaning for your life not only in this special season, but all the days of your life.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Doggie Lessons

It seems this week that I have been receiving several faith lessons from the animal kingdom.

The first message was the bumper sticker I mentioned in my post a couple days ago, reading: “Wag more, Bark less.” I guess you could say I am being reminded to hug others and smile more, embracing them as they are. This is preferred to being so involved in my own world that I enter talking, instead of listening, accepting and perceiving. I could rephrase this “Embrace more, Chatter less” or “Love more, Judge less.”

The next message was a video a friend sent to me that she titled “Peace.” This is an interesting modern day interpretation of the passage in Isaiah 11:6 about how, when peace returns, even the wild animals getting along with their natural enemies. Quite a picture! You can check the video out here:

The last message I received was confirmed at my annual physical at the doctor’s office. The only area he said I needed to improve was in getting more exercise, so my cholesterol readings would be better. This was the clincher to me on an article I had just read which reminded me about having pets to keep you healthy! (You can read it here if you like: - see “Links for your Good Health.”)

I had already written down my goal to walk more, and had started looking for a dog to help me accomplish a more active lifestyle. It’s easy as a writer to stay stuck in one position at the keyboard longer than is best when you’re in the flow! Although it can sometimes be a bother to have to take the dog out, I know the rewards are greater than the trouble.

It seems there are a few things we can learn from a dog’s life! Let’s wag a lot more, don’t bark unless it’s important, learn to put our differences aside to get along with even our enemies, and get the help we need for the health and perspective we want – all from a friend by our side!

If you know any sweet-tempered little Chihuahuas looking for a good home, let me know…! ;-)

P.S. You can see more cute animal pictures at:

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Old Friends, Young Hearts!

Meeting my childhood friend recently reminded me that we are not long gone from our childhood. On the outside we may look - shall I say, “old” - as our bodies display the sometimes unkind natural phenomenon of aging. But on the inside, we usually feel much younger. We’re closer to our memories. They feel as fresh as yesterday in some instances. Actually, it’s easier sometimes to remember scenes from my childhood than it is to recall what I had for dinner last night! (I'm the one with the ice cream!)

I don’t know about you, but inside I’m still a kid at heart. Despite the nicks and bites and bruises that life has inflicted upon me, I’m still tender and innocent in my spirit. In fact, I’ve told a few people that when I paint my self-portrait someday, this is how it will look: I’m seven years old, bare footed and freckled, maybe with a couple of teeth missing. My pigtails and a loose dress I’m wearing blow in the wind as I pump myself higher and higher on a rope swing hung from a gnarled tree branch! (This picture of a 2009 calendar I just got somewhat reminds me of that scene!)

I’ve always had that spirit of adventure, albeit somewhat of a tomboy, as I wanted to go everywhere and try everything, to explore, taste and see what the world was all about! My mother and father could have shared a few wild stories to vouch for that! (My sister's on stilts, but we each had a pair.)

To help you “think young” today and refresh your spirit with a wash of that wonder, innocence and inquisitiveness you may have left behind, here are a few pictures from way back when for you to enjoy. I’ve had to take pictures of the pictures with my digital camera in order to upload this to you. I’m telling you that because I’d love to receive some of your favorite pictures of childhood memories if you care to share them with me, along with the stories behind the pictures. You are welcome to email them to me at: loisgallo555@

Just a thought to reflect on today:

Be happy, young man, while you are young, and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth. Follow the ways of your heart and whatever your eyes see, but know that for all these things God will bring you to judgment.

Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, "I find no pleasure in them.” (that is, before you grow old and can’t enjoy your days as much!) - Ecclesiastes 11:9, 12:1

The rest of the chapter goes on to talk about the aging process in very poetic language, when we lose our teeth, our sight and hearing and other bodily functions, and then return to dust.

So let’s not lose heart or squander a day or a memory in our numbered days! Let’s be sure to leave the legacy that would be most meaningful in the big picture of eternity. That may just mean living in the here and now, enjoying the present moment for all it’s worth, with its simple pleasures! And it may even include thinking young thoughts, or sharing treasured times with a loved one...
(I'm the one on the bottom!)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Power of a Smile

Yesterday I went to meet a childhood friend at a coffee shop. We hadn’t seen each other in a while, so I was looking forward to the visit. As I got off my exit and was heading to our meeting place, I noticed the bumper sticker on a vehicle in front of me. It read: wag more, bark less.

What a great philosophy! I decided that was good advice said in a clever way. I thought it would be fun to write about in my blog as well, so I said a quick prayer that the SUV was going to pull into the same parking lot as I was where I could park and get a picture of the bumper sticker – just for my blog readers! As it turned out, they were going to the same place, so I was able to park nearby and walk over to say hello and explain why I wanted to take a picture of the sticker.

Once I finished and retrieved from the car a gift bag for my friend, I headed in for the rendezvous. On the way in, through the parking lot and the store, there must have been about 6-8 people with whom I exchanged eye contact and smiles. It was amazing to me that everyone seemed to be ready with a smile!

Did I have lipstick smeared across my face or was my hair standing up in a strange way or what?! Apparently people were ready to smile and be smiled at this day! Maybe the lingering smile I had on my face from the bumper sticker and being able to capture it very conveniently was still obvious and contagious!

The enthusiastic greeting with a big hug from my friend was welcomed. We both ordered hot chocolates for a change and enjoyed watching the coffee barrister make a masterpiece with whipped cream, fudge drizzles, white chocolate shavings, a rolled chocolate accent tucked in the side, and a dash of cinnamon on top. It was almost too beautiful to consume! But we decided we needed to get some spoons to help us appreciate the workmanship a little more!

All the while, everywhere I looked, there seemed to be smiles galore from perfect strangers. Maybe they were living vicariously through our joy as two childhood friends reconnected – or maybe they were enjoying the chocolate masterpiece through new eyes as we expressed our delight! Or maybe they have been reading my blog posts! ;-) A kind gentleman even offered to take a picture of us together, as he saw me with my camera.

As we chatted and shared common memories and some of the things we had gone through in our separate grown-up lives, she was reminded of a time when she was so depressed and couldn’t seem to shake it for some reason. To help herself get out of it, she went down to a café where she ordered a bowl of chili. As she was sitting there, a lady came in, looked around, and all of sudden made eye contact with her. The lady’s face just lit up as she grinned ear to ear, the broadest most intense and loving smile my friend had ever seen. My friend could not stop watching her as the woman completed her purpose and left. She felt her spirits lift and the weight fell off. She had finally broken free of the oppressive spirit on her.

What a powerful story! It reminded me that we need to be lights in the world wherever we go, being aware of others around us who may need the lightness, hope and joy in our souls that mere living cannot take away. Although my friend wondered if this was an angel sent to answer her prayer or a mere mortal, I assured her that an angel is just a messenger from God, so it mattered not the form the messenger took. In essence we may very well be an angel to those needing a touch from God on any particular day!

After our meeting, I stopped in at the post office, praying all the way that the lines wouldn’t be so long at the moment I got there. Again my simple prayer was answered. I didn’t have to wait too unreasonably long. But as I waited, one person behind me reached out to help another with some boxes that were falling. Since the ice had been broken, the people in line all started laughing and smiling and talking to each other. The gentleman then commented that we were all involved in a national bonding exercise by waiting in line at the post office during this busy season! Therefore, it was easy to smile and talk with others while waiting. It turned the whole experience into fun, while sharing a common problem and exposing our human reactions in a positive way.

Kudos to the insightful man! Although I didn’t say anything this time, I was silently applauding him. I am usually the commentator or instigator in such situations. But it was nice to be an observer and notice the reactions of the people receiving the inspiration!

Perhaps I could ask you today: What are you giving out to others?

If you’re not sure, here’s a hint: what are you receiving from others?

If you’re receiving cold stares or curt remarks, perhaps you’re a little too preoccupied or uptight or stressed out. Maybe it’s time to “cast your cares on him who cares for you.” – 1 Peter 5:7 (paraphrased) Maybe you need to breathe a little more, take a walk or let some things go that are not really that important. (Or come up with your own silly faces like this one I found tonight as I prepared parsnips for dinner!)

If you’re receiving smiles and warm comments and meeting friendly people, you’re probably open to others and giving out the good vibes! Keep it up! The other uptight people need what you’ve got!

You may never realize the power of a smile until you’re the one needing it…

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Baked with Love

It seems this past week there have been so many parties and events I’ve had to cook or bake something for.

Our ladies group had a bake sale on Sunday. Saturday I spent time researching the recipe I would make, then shopping for the rest of the ingredients I needed. The prep time took another hour and then the baking process went on with changing temperatures and timers, then checking till the pies were done. Considering all the time and energy I put into the end result, it would probably have been more beneficial to the organization and certainly freed me up more if I had just given them a donation to cover the ingredients and value of the time I spent!

I actually did think about doing that before I really began the process, but made a distinct decision to do this as a labor of love, as well as enjoying baking again. (I don’t often bake, as we rarely eat desserts or sweets.) As I put on some upbeat music and prepared the pies for the oven, I prayed blessings over the desserts for those who purchased and enjoyed them.

It got me to thinking about the routine tasks we have to do. We can choose to do them because we have to, or we can choose to do them as acts of service, with kindness, love and blessings flowing out to the recipients of our actions. Even if they don’t seem to notice or appreciate what we do, that’s alright. God knows our hearts. Just do it for yourself and enjoy having an orderly house and good healthful food to enjoy!

Maybe it’s time for a checkup. Are you blessing people as you prepare meals for them, or do laundry or clean? Or are you grumbling and complaining or thinking ugly thoughts about them or the process?

I acknowledge there are certainly times when things don’t go right when you’re in the kitchen cooking! In fact, the other night we had dinner guests and it seemed the things I served were overdone (more like burnt!). As I apologized and offered them something else instead, the guests said they actually liked the crispier texture and charcoal-y flavor! I guess it went well with the earthy flavors of the baby bella mushrooms and the wine we were enjoying! I appreciated the fact that my guests were gracious and accommodating. I was actually surprised when they had seconds and nothing was left at the end of the evening! But I promised them that my experiment next time would be to have them perfectly done and take a survey on which way they preferred them! Sometimes you just have to roll with the punches…

Today I encourage you to think about your attitudes and acts of service. May they be filled will love, generosity, kindness and gratitude. At least you have a kitchen, a house, people (or pets) to cook or clean for, when others may not be so blessed!
“For out of the overflow (or abundance) of the heart the mouth speaks.” - Matthew 12:34, NIV, my parens
“And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.” - Colossians 3:14, NIV

Monday, December 15, 2008

Spudly Joins the Captain

Last week I wrote about a potato character I dubbed Captain Potato. One of my friends read the post and enjoyed my crazy sense of humor so much that she caught what I’ll call the “potato funny bug.”

This is how it happened. Apparently, she was out Christmas shopping with a friend. She told me they usually spend a whole day together, from as early as they can get together to as late as they want to stay, just shopping and having fun.

That was the first sign that something was wrong – with the fact that they embraced the mall madness and weren’t afraid to shop till they dropped! Not only that, but they decided to spread as much joy as they could in the process, particularly to the tired and overworked staff in the shops. So they joked and talked and said “Merry Christmas!” to everyone they met. I really think they must have had too much eggnog or something funny in their lattes on a Starbucks break because…
my friend found a buddy for Captain Potato and brought him home for me! ;-)

When I unwrapped the package and found this little guy, I had to break out laughing! I knew my friend was thoughtful, but this time she had gone overboard! Captain Potato must have portrayed so much personality that she thought he was real and must be in need of a companion!

I actually had to take her into the kitchen to introduce her to Captain Potato and to introduce Captain Potato to his new buddy, who was named Spudly. Yes, that’s right. His name was right there on the bottom of his shoe, behind the brush part. So now the Captain has a backrubbing buddy!

In case you think I’ve really lost my marbles this time, and taken a good friend down too, may I suggest it might be time to add a little levity in the midst of your day today as well?! After all, Paul tells us to “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” (-Phil. 4:4,NIV) It must be important if he said it twice!

Also, we are to actually “Consider it pure JOY, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.” - James 1:2-3,NIV

Joy and rejoicing is also the theme for the Third Sunday in Advent (that was yesterday in the Lutheran Church and others). I can’t help but think of this verse so beautifully sung in Handel’s Messiah that gives us great cause as Christians to rejoice this day:

Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion! Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey. - Zechariah 9:9, NIV
There are 156 passages with the word “rejoice” in it in the New International Version (NIV) alone. If you look up “joy,” you’ll find even more – 242. That would be a great exercise to do, especially if you have somewhat of a heavy spirit on any given day. Just go to and put in your chosen theme word or phrase. Then enjoy reading all the verses! It really is amazing how great you will feel when you look up words like strong, strength, peace, kindness, love, and other fruitful positive words or good attributes you’d like to focus on.

One thing I’m rejoicing about is the fact of this great tool on the internet! What a blessing in so many ways it has been to me! So I’ll pass it on to you to lighten your load. All thanks to my friend and Spudly for getting me started on this joyful journey today!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Girl Friend Time

This year a new friend and I decided to start a “GirlFriends Club.” We met at a Christian business networking luncheon and instantly hit it off. It was top of mind for both of us to grow a wider circle of other Christian women around us to whom we could just be ourselves, meet for girlfriend time together and support each other in whatever way was needed.

This week we met at one of the GF’s house for hors d’oeuvres and a gift exchange. It was another sweet time together, sharing food, thoughtful gifts, memories, joys, concerns, encouragement, prayers, and hugs.

There are only six of us in the group right now. It has been a great way to develop a tighter circle of safety and caring, as well as the opportunity to get to know each other better. As I’ve shared with some of my other friends about the girlfriends, many have expressed a wish to belong to such a group.

The beauty of it is in having a group where regular time is spent together with no pressures, no expectations or agendas. Everyone is accepted for who they are and encouraged to become more, as they let God work in the situations that arise in life.

If you are looking for the same kind of girlfriends club, I encourage you to reach out and start one. All it takes is the desire to be a friend and to have a friend. I just found one person who agreed with me, and we both invited one or two other people we thought would be a good fit with us.

It’s amazing what can happen in any project “when two or more agree” to move ahead. I expressed a delight in meeting my new friend and the instant connection we seemed to have. I also mentioned to her that I had prayed about how to start a girlfriends group. She surprised me by saying she had started one in the city she lived in before and wanted to do the same thing here! So God amazingly answered my prayer very quickly! And her prayer as well!

If you’ve been praying for God to send you just one close friend, why not try reaching out to bless others by finding friends for them too? This is basically what happened with the two of us. I suspect we've become closer friends because we share a common goal and purpose. I also suspect we’ll be widening our circle of friends in the new year. Each of us has other friends who’d like to experience this kind of connection and relationship. Why not spread the joy around?

For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them. – Matthew 18:20, NIV

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. - Ecclesiastes 4:12, NIV

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Bottom Line Thinking

As I was reading through several passages yesterday, I realized there are many great verses in Proverbs that give a crash course on how to prosper in business. The principles apply to life as well. It seems that the kind of person you are will affect how you do in business or your career. Perhaps a scary thought?! Or a reason to be aware of your strengths and weaknesses so you can improve in the most important areas.

To get you started, here are a few verses for you to mull over and see how they may apply in your case.
Make plans by seeking advice; if you wage war, obtain guidance. – Proverbs 20:18

It is a trap for a man to dedicate something rashly and only later to consider his vows. – Proverbs

The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty. – Proverbs

Do not be a man who strikes hands in pledge or puts up security for debts; if you lack the means to pay, your very bed will be snatched from under you. - Proverbs

The LORD detests differing weights, and dishonest
scales do not please him. – Proverbs 20:23

The sluggard's craving will be the death of him, because his hands
refuse to work. All day long he craves for more, but the righteous give
without sparing. – Proverbs 21: 25-26

There are many more important concepts throughout Proverbs. You may want to read all 31 chapters to see what areas are most important for you at this point in your life. Perhaps the answers to the prayers you’ve been praying are right there for you.

The real question is: what's your bottom line? If it’s positive and growing, you must be doing enough of the right things. If you’re in the red, then there are deficits in other areas of your life and business life that need to be addressed. Can you identify areas needing to be changed or improved in some way?

As I mentioned yesterday, this is the verse I have by my computer to keep me thinking right:
“Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve before kings; he will not serve before obscure men.” – Proverbs 22:9

I have stepped up to the plate to do all things with excellence. I believe that is something important that is too often missing in both business and personal relationships these days. If you give your word, keep it. If you make an appointment, be on time. If you say you’ll do something, do it and even more than expected. Be proud of your work when you sign your name to it! Your reputation is showing!

It may or may not be obvious, but what you give out – what you say and do – are a reflection of what’s going on inside you. It tells a lot about your view of yourself, others, God and life in general.

This past year, in particular, I have been doing a lot of work on cleaning up the messes in my life. That includes de-cluttering my home and office spaces, getting rid of all the extra stuff that I don’t use or need, and the things that weigh me down. This also includes working on the gap between who I am currently and who I see I want to become. That difference, I’ve learned, becomes the level of self-esteem you have. It can drive you or depress you.

In my life coaching practice I enjoy holding up the mirror to help others identify areas they want to improve. It’s exciting to me to watch how quickly people’s lives change when they first recognize an area to change, decide to focus on a goal they haven’t been able to achieve, and get there quicker than they ever imagined!

Perhaps it’s time to build a support and accountability team around you if you seem to be challenged in accomplishing or changing some facet in your life. If you need someone you help get you started in that direction, I’ll be happy to give you a complimentary life coaching session to get the ball rolling. You’ll be surprised at the answers you already know but haven’t got them out of you "out loud" enough to realize the right direction in which to proceed. It is truly liberating and propelling!

Make a decision to move in the right direction today. You will be more blessed than you can imagine as you bless others along the way!

For more information about Life Coaching and to schedule your complimentary session, visit:

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Business Attraction

I had the opportunity to attend a new networking group last night. The man who set it up runs a marketing company. He has marketed himself very well in the process of demonstrating a strategy to attract clients. The network is set up to help connect business owners with potential clients.

One of the draws to the monthly event is the emphasis the leader has on helping people make money - by facilitating the people connections through the event. He showcases those who step up to the plate as vendors with a table and platform time to promote their expertise; and he garners testimonials from his marketing clients about their success in working with him, which they share up front at the gathering. So he makes money as he helps others. He also gains huge visibility and credibility in the process, expanding his sphere of influence and opportunity at the same time.

This is a classic case of business attraction, where people are clamoring to do business with him because he is helping others succeed. Anyone in business has surely heard the saying, “If you help enough people get what they want, you will get what you want.” I believe it was Zig Ziglar’s quote.

Here are a few verses from the wealth of great advice in the book of Proverbs that seems to apply well in this situation.

A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor. – Proverbs 22:9

Love and faithfulness keep a king safe; through love his throne is made secure. - Proverbs 20:28

A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold. – Proverbs 22:1

What are you attracting when you are going after business? Are you giving beyond what is expected to your clients – or to your boss – or your employees? We are all accountable for what we give out. It will come back to us doubled or quadrupled. So perhaps you’d better change what you’re giving to others if you’re not liking what’s coming back to you!

I’m working on becoming more excellent in all my ways. I know that’s what I want to attract back, as well as wanting to stretch myself to see what I am capable of becoming or doing. My favorite verse that I have by my computer so I’ll continually keep it in mind to apply is:
“Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve before kings; he will not serve before obscure men.” – Proverbs 22:9

I’ll leave you with that challenge! How about doing your work well enough today that it would be welcomed in the White House or other prominent places?! Actually, the King of Kings is our audience of one every day. Let’s not forget that either!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Captain Potato

I spent yesterday mostly in the kitchen getting ready for dinner guests. I enjoy puttering around and making things beautiful in the house for entertaining. I also enjoy trying new recipes. A lot of them come right out of my head depending on what I have.

A special potato dish I decided to make required peeled potatoes. As I was getting the potatoes scrubbed and ready to peel, I noticed the largest one had such an amazing face on it! In case you think I’m imagining things, take a look at this picture I snapped. Don’t you think it looks like an old sea captain, or some other character type? Perhaps Popeye with his pipe?!

The more I started preparing the potatoes, the more faces I started to see! Now it appeared Captain Potato was surrounded by his family! Take a look at a few more pictures I snapped as I turned the potatoes in various directions to reveal their personalities. Then you’ll see what I mean. (I’ve uploaded them to:

Yes, I know – I’m always seeing faces in everything. But that’s the artistic side of me coming out! In a busy day, it made me laugh, stop and get my camera. So I got a nice break from my tasks and have some photos to pull out on a rainy day to enjoy a laugh again.

When my dinner guests arrived, I got to show them” Captain Potato Head,” as they named him, in his new home beside the sink. He was the only one I saved from the potato family, as I had enough potatoes without him. They shared a good laugh too, and suggested I auction him off on e-Bay! Okay. So if you want to buy a weird potato, it’s for sale. ;-)

As you can see from the final picture, my distorted sense of humor got the best of me when I was peeling the potatoes. The peels were flying everywhere and started looking like hair to me, so I decided to see what Captain Potato looked like with hair. Now you know!

What can we learn from all this levity? Well, for one, I have witnessed many times when strange and funny things happened just when I needed a break or an answer or a change of state – too many times to not realize that God has a great sense of humor too! In fact, he created the aberration in the potato. It was up to me to find it, recognize it, and take delight in it.

Isn’t that the way life is? God has put many wonderful things in our path. Most times we are too busy or self-absorbed or looking in a different direction to notice all the surprises along the way.

Why not decide to start looking for the sprinkles of joy and beauty, love and wonder God has put along your path? Whether you find it in the amazement of a clear and starry night or the silly face of a not-so-ordinary potato, it is there for the taking!

For more amazement, read about the wonder of God’s perspective in Job 38 & 39. Then read about the human side of Jesus in Luke 5: 1-11, Matthew 17:24-27, and John 21:1-14, all stories about how he related to them through common things in their world - in this case, fish.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Star of Wonder

Have you been so busy and in a whirlwind of activity lately that you have been seeing stars?!

Well, I certainly have noticed a lot of stars everywhere I look! I was just out shopping for a few Christmas gifts and saw the large metal stars that people hang on their walls year round, tree top stars of various sorts, and star-shaped ornaments; not to mention star-shaped candles, candle holders, coasters, and dishes. And I have also been noticing the stars in people’s outdoor decorations, on the trees showing through the windows, and in the outdoor festivals of light shows.

But the most exciting stars I see are those twinkling back at me when I take a minute to look up into the sky. Gazing into the vastness of space puts everything else in its proper place. I remember what is real and what is important.

I wonder what the shepherds thought when they first saw the bright star in Bethlehem. At least they had a dramatic translation of the star’s presence and significance by the appearance of the angel chorus. Now that would have been enough to knock your socks off (or sandals, as the case may be)! But it didn’t stop there. They had to rush off to see for themselves what the real fuss was all about.

Can you imagine how it must have been to know that you were in the presence of majesty in the form of a child newly born? But not just a mortal king; they were in the presence of God come to earth as both king and child, the perfect marriage of human and divine.

The power and magnificence of who the baby Jesus was in the power of his divinity was wrapped in cloths, not even proper clothes, and laid in the humblest of places with hay tickling his back. That too was a symbol of how the exterior and appearances are so unimportant and insignificant in the grand scheme of things. The light that shone in Jesus could not be hidden by his humble beginnings, nor extinguished in the end by mere human will. And it could not even be overcome by evil.

Neither can the light that the Christ child lights in our hearts be extinguished, even by the heavy rains in the storms of life. As long as our light is drawn from the power source of God’s great love for us, others will see and recognize the light in us as the light of Christ in our hearts. It will be a beacon of hope for many. They will be drawn to us like the shepherds were drawn to the manger over two thousand years ago.

Let the symbols of stars all around you keep you closer to the Light of the world, so your own light will shine out more brightly in this dark world!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Seasonal Symbols

Sprinkled throughout the blog posts for the month of December will be my thoughts on various signs of the season. I believe these seasonal symbols can be a reminder of God’s connection to us, if we just take the time to look, listen and soak in God’s love for us!

Even life at the Beach brings forward symbols that we see year-round, but may not often think about.

Today I would like to share with you “The Legend of the Sand Dollar.” Although I have seen this in various forms through the years, I have gotten this from: Apparently, the poem originally appeared in the Seattle Post-intelligencer on April 6, 1966, author unknown.

The Legend of the Sand Dollar

There’s a lovely little legend
That I would like to tell,
Of the birth and death of Jesus
Found in this lowly shell.

If you examine closely
You’ll see that you find here,
Four nail holes and a fifth one
Made by a Roman’s spear.

On one side the Easter Lily,
Its center is the star,
That appeared unto the shepherds
And led them from afar.

The Christmas Poinsettia
Etched on the other side,
Reminds us of His birthday
Our happy Christmastide.

Now break the center open
And here you will release,
The five white doves awaiting
To spread Good Will and Peace.

This simple little symbol
Christ left for you and me,
To help us spread His Gospel
Through all Eternity.

You may see this poem more often around Easter, as it speaks of new life, resurrection and the hope of Easter. However, it all began at Christmas with the birth of God on earth as a little child. I think it is very appropriate this season to think about not only the beginnings of Christ’s life on earth, but the ending - which was really a new beginning for all mankind!

The fact that we’re at the end of another year, with the hope of wiping the slate clean to have a fresh start on New Year’s Day, hasn’t escaped me. I always love fresh starts! In fact, I look at every day as a new beginning, a chance to live a perfect day. And I haven’t given up on that yet! You might have guessed that I love challenges! ;-)

Some people use sand dollars as Christmas tree ornaments. If you have a sand dollar, take another look at it. Think about all the parts and the beauty of each symbol and how it applies to your life right this moment. What part means the most to you? The star, the nail holes, the doves?

All of these parts are housed in a seemingly insignificant little shell creature moving with the currents at the bottom of the ocean. It has little brown spiky hairs all over its body when alive to help it move about. But one day it was washed ashore and discovered by someone. It gave its life up. It was dumped in a bucket of bleach to disinfect it and kill all the living parts of it so it could look beautiful and sit on your shelf or hang on your tree.

If this once living creature has been brought into your hands, take the time to stop and thank God for all he has done – and for all that this work from his heart to yours symbolizes today.

It’s never too late or too soon for a fresh start.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Holly Berry Inspiration!

Check out my Holly Berry tie design at my Inspiration Connections online shop! Vote for it if you like it!

Nativity Activity

It’s always a delight for me to see neighbors and business owners displaying the Nativity scene in some fashion. As I’ve driven by some places, I’ve snapped a few shots as inspiration and documentation that people still know the reason for the season!

When I was down at the oceanfront recently, I snapped this picture of the Nativity scene as part of the Holiday Lights at the Beach celebration. You can drive your car down the Boardwalk and enjoy the light show for about a mile or so. Although the scene wasn't lit up when I took it, hopefully you can imagine how it might appear at night with all its lights! Here is a link for more pictures and information:

I spotted this in my neighborhood on the way to a friend’s house. A lot of activity was happening in this yard! To the left of this focal picture was another whole scenario, including a strung up helicopter with blades whirling and flashing as it overlooked the Nativity scene! But I was happy to see that even in the midst of all the busyness and technology, Christ was still the center!

And now a more traditional Nativity scene: I discovered this at my friend’s house. A lovely peaceful and meaningful scene taking me back to that first night at the innkeeper’s barn…

When we think of the Nativity scene this year, perhaps we can be reminded that no matter how fast-paced some things become, we can instantly be transported to the beauty and significance of the night when it all began in an unpretentious place, snuggled in the hay of a feeding trough bed. Jesus became the food for our souls, the Bread of Life, to give us our daily nourishment, and all that we’d ever need.

I don’t know about you, but it makes me want to bow on humbled knees before the Christ Child and the Maker of Heaven and Earth in gratefulness for all he’s done for me and you.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Ordered Steps

In reflecting on the passage in Psalm 37 quoted in yesterday’s post, I just had to continue with those thoughts. Here are the verses I highlighted:

The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. – Psalm 37:23, KJV

If the LORD delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand. - Psalm 37:23-24, NIV

I love the way the King James Version puts it, in speaking of “ordered steps.” As you may know if you’ve been reading my blog posts very long, I love order, patterns, and things working systematically. I like to know that if I do something it will have the desired result.

It’s good to know there are formulas for living that really do work. That is one of the reasons I think the Bible is the world’s greatest psychology book, as it explains and defines who we truly are as spiritual beings with a physical body. It shows how our life works when we think and act right, as well as when we don’t. It is inspired and written under the direction of the Creator of us all.

The Bible could also be called “The Handbook for Humans Operating at their Peak Potential!” or “How to Really Live Life” – written by the one who created and designed us! Doesn’t that really make the most sense – that we find out who we really are and who we were designed to be by our own Creator?!!No wonder we have an empty place, restlessness, a sense of unfulfillment, wondering what our true purpose is and why we are here! We are trying to figure things out ourselves, trying to blindly find our own way, or following others who are blindly trying to find their way! Isn’t it time to look up and ask the Creator what his unique plan is for our lives – one day at a time?

I know that I am the kind of person who likes to know the big picture and see the future so I can plan effectively and get there. But God knows that although he gives me glimpses of the future as I need to see them, that I will be strongest and most effective in life if I have to keep going back to him day after day to keep in touch with the moments and what he would have me be doing right now!

Although our God is a God who provides for the future, we don’t have to worry about the future or even try to figure it out! Most of us have a challenging enough time with right now and getting through today being all that we should be!

I urge you today to take some time to breathe, to go to a quiet place and reconnect with your Creator, who knows you intimately, who wrote the Handbook for your life. He knows your tomorrows; he knows your yesterdays; and he knows your today.

So enjoy his presence in the moment today. Be aware of the warmth of his love, his breath on your shoulder as he guides you, and the little surprises of love and care he wants to sprinkle along your path, as he leads you to bless others this day!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Post-Thanksgiving Reflections

We recently returned from my sister’s near Raleigh, NC, where we shared the Thanksgiving holiday together. It was a pleasant time, seeing family members again and meeting new ones from extended families.

It was a different Thanksgiving this year, as both my sister and I had few duties in the kitchen. Two of my nieces prepared the turkey, stuffing, and vegetable dishes. Listening to their mp3 player, they danced around with surgical gloves as they put the turkey through its preparation paces. Two of the three cats were never far behind, waiting for any opportunity to accept a charitable contribution!

The dinner turned out beautifully. Everything was harmonious throughout the time together (two nights and a couple days). Everyone seemed to enjoy the camaraderie together. And the weather was quite delightful.

I enjoyed the relaxed pace and the chance to catch up on my visiting. It was great to see the progress reports of those making changes for the better in their lives. I heard reports ranging from the decision to" quit drinking resulting in day 30 of abstinence so far" to "eating better and seeing pounds come off" from several folks to "being more fiscally responsible."

As a family member and a life coach, I was most encouraged and excited to see people taking action and moving ahead in the right direction in life. It is great to see people taking responsibility for their actions and living up to their potential. I applauded them, as I do anyone I meet who is taking steps to turn their life around. All it takes is deciding and then doing what you know you need to do - consistently.

Having accountability helps a great deal. We all have days when we may be tempted to skip it just this once, or throw in the towel altogether. That one time is the most important time to get us over that one more hump to reaching our goal! If you know someone is counting on you to follow through on your word, it gives you that extra stick-to-it-iveness to make it till you reach your goal.

That is what being a life coach is all about: caring enough about people to want to help them reach the goals they set out to accomplish for themselves. I feel honored and privileged when I am chosen to help someone follow their dreams and achieve them. If you would like to find out more about what a life coach does, visit my coaching page at:

I encourage you to choose something important to you and just take the steps to go and do it. You’ve probably wasted more energy thinking about it than it would take step by step to actually make it happen!

For more articles and tools to help you move ahead, visit I’ve just posted “Weight Your To-Do Decisions Daily” that may help you to prioritize and walk out your steps more effectively.

For more guidance and inspiration, you may wish to read Psalm 37. Here are a couple of excerpts…

The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. – Psalm 37:23, KJV
If the LORD delights in a man's way, he makes his steps
firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand. - Psalm 37:23-24, NIV

Monday, December 1, 2008

New Seasons of Beauty

Although I love the change of seasons with all the beauty of the fall colors, I experience a little sadness that the balmy summer with its long periods of daylight and warmth are coming to a close. I am also not thrilled about the coming cold with its shorter days and stark landscape. Having lived in Canada for many years, I appreciate the warmer clime of the Mid-Atlantic! So my consolation prize in the winter is in knowing that it won’t last six months! The coldest part of winter with mostly 20-30 degree weather usually lasts about six weeks, with an occasional warm period every couple of weeks to remind us that spring won’t be long in coming.

One of the beauties of living in Virginia Beach is that we still can have flowers blooming year round. So all is not so stark! The type of flowers we can grow varies based on the seasons.

Recently we just replaced the flowers in our flower boxes with pansies. I love their happy little faces and bright colors. It does something to my spirit to see them hanging in through the coldest days of winter, even peeking out through the occasional little snow blanket we may get.

It reminds me to be faithful through even the darker, drearier days of winter that may sometimes come in my life. There is always something bright and happy and that we can choose to be thankful for as we look around during those times.

These little bright spots give us hope for better days! I am always so happy when the daffodils come out and the signs of spring begin to stir with new life.

It’s also amazing to me the provision God makes in the winter for the birds and animals that depend on finding food to survive. I’ve been careful watching the pansies every day since we planted them to see when the squirrels will start nibbling on them for dinner. Since I recently had a salad with edible flowers, I realize how tasty those flowers can be! Last year it didn’t take long for them to finish the blooms right off! But this year, there was an abundance of acorns on our deck and in our yard. So I suspect they are still munching on those for the moment. (Yup! I just confirmed it with this photo I took a few minutes ago!)

Then there are the bright red camellias that will be coming out in the next month. It seems they begin to bloom in the dead of winter! How awesome is that! This will be the first year we’ll be expecting camellias to bloom in our garden, since we just planted a bush this year.

This month we also will be enjoying the beauty of reds and greens as we decorate for Christmas. The evergreen tree used for Christmas is a great symbol of our God’s everlasting love and faithfulness to us.

So no matter what season you’re experiencing in your life, remember that God has a purpose for it, it won’t last forever, and a different season is on its way! In the meantime, look for the beauty of God’s provision and blessings even through the darkest days!

Friday, November 28, 2008

"Black Friday" Shopping Tips!

If you're looking to save yourself some aggravation at the shopping malls today, since it's supposed to be the busiest shopping day of the year, why not shop online?!

I just found out that carries a lot more than just books! They have a complete online-store of just about anything you could want - with items for your home, garden, auto, kids, and yourself (clothes & accessories for one thing, ladies!).

And besides the sales, there's a great contest on as well - just for today! Check it out at:

For inspirational items I've designed myself, you can check out my Inspiration Connections store at:

Remember to have a blessed day today, as you are thinking of others (mostly!) in your shopping today.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Gifting Inspiration

While you're thinking of others this weekend, if you're still looking for Christmas gifts, why not give the gift of INSPIRATION?!

My latest book, "Faith Lessons: Experiencing the Miracles," with Dr. Robert Schuller and actress Jennifer O'Neill, is available to be shipped directly to you - or to whomever you specify. And I'll even gift wrap it if you add a request in Comments!
This month your purchase includes a free audio CD of my interview with the publisher, as well as free shipping!

They also make great hostess gifts to give when you attend parties and other events this season!

So stock up now for all your gift-giving needs at:

At this link you can also view other books and products I have created.

Enjoy your day - and your chance to inspire and bless others!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Fellowship and Thanksgiving

I just have a couple of passages to share with you today for your meditation and inspiration. When I think about Thanksgiving, two things especially come to mind.

I think about the relationships we get to share usually with those we know and hopefully love! The fellowship times can be great, as we are with those family members we don’t often see.

I also think about Who it is we are thanking for all our bounteous blessings we often take for granted from day to day.

This is a time for making your relationships count. Preparing yourself for a time when you can be a blessing requires spending more time connecting with God, drinking deeply from his reservoir of Love, so you’ll have more to pour out on those you’ll be spending time with.

The first passage below reminds us of the beauty of unity. The last passage reminds us Who brings unity if we stay in close connection and choose to walk in his love and grace for us – that we can then extend to others.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving as you focus on these thoughts.

Being together with each other:

How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!
(The Message Bible puts it this way: “How wonderful, how beautiful, when brothers and sisters get along!”)
It is like precious oil poured on the head, running down on the beard, running down on Aaron's beard, down upon the collar of his robes.
It is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion. For there
the LORD bestows his blessing, even life forevermore.
- Psalm 133, NIV

Being together with God:

Psalm 100
A psalm. For giving thanks.
1 Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth.
2 Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.
3 Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name.
5 For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Great Pumpkin

Remember the Charlie Brown & Peanuts special that used to come on TV every Halloween season? When I saw a picture of a giant pumpkin from another blog, it reminded me of the Great Pumpkin.

There were some good lessons in that animated program, as in all of the Snoopy, Peanuts, and Charlie Brown series. In case you’re not sure what I’m talking about or would like to be reminded, here is a link to many of the Peanuts shows and products.
"It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!"
"A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving"

When I think of giant pumpkins, I have to think of bountiful harvests. This passage comes to mind:
“Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in his ways. You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours.” - Psalm 128:1-2, NIV

Although I can’t quite imagine eating an almost 1700 pound pumpkin, nor even much of the world’s largest pumpkin pie, I am ready to continue accepting bountiful harvests from the Lord’s hand! Check out the record-breaking pictures here, if you like:

The fact is: God has already sent us so many bountiful blessings in our lives, no matter what our current situation seems to be. I encourage you to spend this week especially in counting up the treasure of bounty in your own storehouse. What has God already given you in blessings through friends and family, material possessions, work, health, mission and purpose, faith and spiritual truth?

It might surprise you once you take a moment to really take stock. The amazing thing is that God wants to pour out even more blessings on your life. Only you can stop the flow of his blessings on you by not acknowledging him or by not obeying what he tells you to do to walk forward in his continued favor.

Make sure you don’t miss any good gifts by your lack of obedience or praise! (Review yesterday’s blog if you need to!)

Have a thankful and more blessed day – and week!