Monday, October 27, 2008

Road Signs

Not long ago I was driving a different way than usual because of a detour when I became intrigued with some of the names of the roads I was passing. Here are a couple of the signs.

“What can I take from this for my life?” is my usual question.

I focused my thoughts on “Declaration Road.”

I had to ask myself, “Where am I going? What is it I am declaring over my life? Is this the right road to get me there? Or am I following a road that I do not really want to go down?”

The Lord speaks to us and tells us in no uncertain terms to know the way we should go and declare it!

Down South we have an expression, “Well, I declare!” That’s usually an expression of surprise or delight or amazement. It could even be an expression of enlightenment.

I hope you are making great declarations over your life along with me in amazement and excitement! Take courage and control to declare what it is you truly want to do with your life, and where you really want to go. Relate this to every area of your life – spiritually, as well as physically, emotionally, mentally, financially, and relationally. Incorporate all the goals and visions you have for yourself, yet be open to God’s bigger vision for your life at the same time.

Remember to trust God to give you wisdom, strength and guidance along the road of your life’s journey. “Declare it and I will do it, says the Lord.”

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