Thursday, October 9, 2008

Cracked Under Pressure

Last week I talked about the tree in our backyard that had part of it snap and break off during some strong winds. I did some more thinking about that tree.

What actually caused the tree to give in to the winds this time? It had been buffeted by high winds, even gales and tropical storms, before and never succumbed.

  • Perhaps it had been buffeted till it cracked at its weakest point then gave way and snapped off.
  • Maybe the wind blew at the wrong angle for too long and stressed the weakest point of the tree.
  • With its soft wood, too many storms and too much pressure may have caused it to finally give in and crack.

Are your cracks showing from the stresses and strains of life? Or are you solidly rooted, hunkered down, and weathering the storms of life with grace and strength?

What areas of your life are weakest that need shoring up or shearing off? Do you even have the right type of tree (life values and priorities) planted to live long and strong and withstand the tests of time and wind and trials?

When I think of trees that have stood the test of time, I have to think of the bent and gnarly sea pines, hunkered low to the ground. They thrive by the ocean, with many of them growing in our area. They are well able and designed perfectly to withstand the coastal weather, complete with floods, nor’easters and hurricanes that sometimes come through this area. So also are the live oak trees.

Even when the storms of life come your way, you can have confidence in making it through with power and strength, as God’s power is made perfect in your weakness. Thank him that he has made you strong enough to withstand anything as you appropriate his grace, mercy, and strength for your everyday life!

More pix of sea pines and live oaks by the Chesapeake Bay are here:

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