I have always found it amazing at the varied and creative ways God has spoken to me (and others as well). Sometimes it will be through the Bible, either when I’m reading it, hearing someone else quote it, or when a verse will just pop into my mind as an answer to a question or prayer. Other times my answer will come in a dream or a flash of insight. Help often comes out of the quiet places when the words just speak to me, as that “still, small voice” attributed to the Holy Spirit.

I’ve also heard them called “God Incidents” rather than coincidence. But I like the term “God-zipities” because of the lightning fast responses to half-breathed prayers. What is amazing, if you think about it, is t

I know God loves to make us smile. When we are smiling and happy in our growing relationship with him, we reflect more of his love and character to those around, who in turn will be more attracted to us and to God. He longs to have that intimate relationship with each of us.
I urge you to be more aware today of the little zips that he will be sending your way. So smile and take heart, thanking God and allowing yourself to be blessed by his zippy presents and his presence in your life today – and everyday!
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