Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat - Scary Pix!

I just got a creepy reminder of a Halloween party my husband and I attended a few years ago with some friends from the office. Looks like everyone was happy to play another role (or gender!) than we saw each other in on a day-to-day basis!

Click here to open the video slideshow at SmileBox by Hallmark.

You'll see me dressed in black and my husband in green. Enjoy!

We're going to the country club tonight with friends, but don't plan to dress up quite as scary as these pictures! I'll have to post them up over the weekend for you! ;-)

Keep safe and don't eat all the candy!

Put Your Fall Face On!

During my recent weekend stay in the country, I gathered many photos of fall activities, places, sights and scenes.

Whether you decorate your face, your house, yard, or place of business for the season, it certainly is a colorful time of celebrating a new season.

Since today is Halloween and tomorrow All Saints Day, along with Daylight Savings Time ending this weekend (yeah! we fall back and gain an hour of sleep!), I’d like to share some of the celebration pictures I took on my trip to the countryside of Maryland.

What are you grateful and thankful for this time of year? Take time to tell those you love how much they mean to you, even with their silly faces, should they be dressing up this weekend. Give God his due praise and thanks for all he has given you, and continues to each day.

May his praise be continually in my mouth! I suggest you read with me Psalm 96 for a mighty praise psalm to our great God. One part I think is especially appropriate for today’s theme. “Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them. Then all the trees of the forest will sing for joy.” - Psalm 96:12, NIV

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Nature's Perspectives

During our recent stay with my brother-in-law in Maryland, I enjoyed experiencing fall from a new perspective. Bob lives on a wooded 5-acre lot, so there are lots of “nature happenings” all around. As I enjoyed walking through the woods and around the property, admiring his recent landscaping projects, I took the time to observe natural life occurrences that one does not usually see every day, especially in the city or near the ocean. Armed with my trusty digital camera, I returned with lots of interesting photo treasures!

Often in life there are things going on in another world right around us that we aren’t even aware of. I want to share a few photos showing things that most people would miss on a walk through the woods.

If you look closely at this first photo, you should see a tiny frog in the middle. The only reason I even saw it was because he was jumping to get away from us – and I was looking, not talking!

Shortly, I came across this cobwebby blanket, holding drops of moisture over the leafy floor.

Sometimes you have to look closely to see real beauty, or a different kind of beauty. I have always loved moss. When I came across this mossy patch, I had to bend down to stroke it. In doing so, I saw the little moss hairs protruding upwards. I thought it would be interesting to take a picture of their profile, but my camera focused on the light and not the hairs, so this (below) is the picture I got. I was thinking this could be the perspective of most woodland creatures, especially the little frog.

Perhaps it’s time to change your perspective on things. Have you been stuck in the same old routine or focused on problems that don’t seem to go away? Sometimes just getting out of the routine, or changing the way you approach or look at something can make a huge difference in getting to “better” in your life. Have you tried asking God for his perspective on what’s going on? He sees the big picture – the whole woods – when we’re stuck in the moss or under the leaves.

“Cast all your anxiety on him for he cares for you.” - 1 Peter 5:7, NIV
“Call to me and I will answer and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” - Jeremiah 33:3, NIV

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Litter, Litter Everywhere!

Recently my husband and I visited my brother-in-law Bob in Maryland for a few days. Periodically during our stay a neighbor’s cat would appear outside the sliding glass door on the deck, meowing to come in for a visit. Apparently, Bob would give the cat some milk and some dried cat food, as he said “Kitty” was nursing a new litter of kittens, and he wasn’t sure she was getting fed enough with a tumultuous situation at the neighbor’s house going on.

Momma cat and I bonded quickly. She was a very affectionate cat, coming in first to be petted and appreciated. Only later after she felt everyone had had their fill of petting her would she gravitate to the food station to lap up all the milk and have a few nibbles of dried food. After more wandering around and getting rubbed, she would meow to go out again and back to her kittens.

We had a nice surprise the morning we were getting ready to leave. When I opened the front door to go out, Kitty was on the front porch with all five of her kittens nursing right there with her! Bob marveled, as he said this was the first time she’d brought them over. And I loved cuddling them and playing with them briefly!

Bob told me the story of the cat, how this was the third litter she’d had. Conversations with the owner after every litter were about “you know - you could get the cat spayed if you don’t want any more kittens.” “Oh, yes, I’ll have to do that.” And then boom, another litter before you know it, with the repeated conversation each time!

I had to smile when I heard that, as I recalled a time I had a cat that kept getting pregnant before I could get her spayed. Ours and the neighbors’ cars always had paw prints on their hoods, along with resting cats warming themselves from the engine heat on cold days. I’m sure it was somewhat annoying to the neighbors, while we were waiting to give the cats away!

In fact, I know it was particularly distressing to one neighbor to always be worrying about the cats. One day he started his car and a fast streak of fur came running out from under the car, minus about an inch of his tail! The neighbor felt so bad, but we certainly couldn’t blame him. That became a catalyst to deal with the expanding cat population before the mother became pregnant once again! Our relations with our neighbors and the stress and annoyance the cats were giving them (and us) weren’t worth it. We needed to be more proactive about solving the problem. So we did.

Thinking about all these litters and the issues that arose made me wonder:
  • What areas in my life do I need to be more proactive about?

  • What litters resulted and caused problems that I didn’t need and could have prevented if I have been more decisive and followed through immediately?

  • How has my procrastination in some areas caused my own litter and mess that I need to take responsibility for and clean up?

  • What areas are there where I've asked God for help, and he's still waiting for me to act on the answer he's already given me?!

I could bless myself by my obedience in doing what I know to do first!

Perhaps there are some areas you need to think about and follow through with as well. I suspect we all have them. Maybe it’s time to own your litter! Then deal with it as appropriate. It could be keeping you from moving ahead in some other area where you desire to make progress.

I encourage you to take action and Meow-ve ahead with your life now!! ;-)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Road Signs: Part 2

Yesterday I talked about Declaration Road, where we get a vision of our life, declare it, and move on down that road.

But what happens along the way, when “life comes at you fast”?

I found a few more road signs that might give us some clues.
Think for a moment about “Valley Forge Lane” and “Bunker Hill Lane.”

Perhaps you’re going through a valley in your life. During the darkest, lowest times in life, character is being formed. Our strength and purpose arises after it is pounded on the forge of high heat, pressure and poundings.

I realize that these two street names are the names of famous battles fought in Virginia. Perhaps you’ve been struggling with some big battle – whether spiritual, physical, being challenged, persecuted, or having to make a major life decision.

But look at the intersection of Declaration Road and Crown Point Lane! Does this speak to your spirit?! Once you declare the great things you want in your life and turn your life towards it like flint, strong and purposeful, you will end up at Crown Point. You will receive your just and due reward when you persevere and keep your eyes focused on the ultimate goal and destination!

What can you take from all this for your life?

I urge you today to make sure you are on your own Declaration Road. Be sure you know where you are going by following this road. Where is it taking you? Is this where you ultimately want to go? What road signs are you reading along the way to make sure you’re going in the right direction, so you’ll end up where you want to go?

Keep yourself focused and accountable and you will arrive at your Crown Point in due time! This would be a good time to read or recite Psalm 23 and remember who goes with you on the journey, even through the valley, to keep you heading in the right direction.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Road Signs

Not long ago I was driving a different way than usual because of a detour when I became intrigued with some of the names of the roads I was passing. Here are a couple of the signs.

“What can I take from this for my life?” is my usual question.

I focused my thoughts on “Declaration Road.”

I had to ask myself, “Where am I going? What is it I am declaring over my life? Is this the right road to get me there? Or am I following a road that I do not really want to go down?”

The Lord speaks to us and tells us in no uncertain terms to know the way we should go and declare it!

Down South we have an expression, “Well, I declare!” That’s usually an expression of surprise or delight or amazement. It could even be an expression of enlightenment.

I hope you are making great declarations over your life along with me in amazement and excitement! Take courage and control to declare what it is you truly want to do with your life, and where you really want to go. Relate this to every area of your life – spiritually, as well as physically, emotionally, mentally, financially, and relationally. Incorporate all the goals and visions you have for yourself, yet be open to God’s bigger vision for your life at the same time.

Remember to trust God to give you wisdom, strength and guidance along the road of your life’s journey. “Declare it and I will do it, says the Lord.”

Friday, October 24, 2008

Logo Lesson: NVN

I was designing a logo for a business concept the other day. I thought about a typical design play of using the main letters from the company name to create an artistic alphabet visual key. As I played with them, a different concept emerged and took me down another path. Such is the creative process!

I was sitting out on my deck recently enjoying a sunny 70 degree day when I glanced over at the interplay of light and shadows on some folded lawn chairs. All at once I began to see letters with the bottom chair legs. As I continued this mind play, I first saw (upside down in my mind!) two w’s, then a v–w-v, then a normal reversal to two m’s, then n-v-n. It was there I stopped and thought about what I had just spelled. “N-V-N.”

Am I “envyin’!” my neighbor for having something I don’t have? Are there areas in my life where I’m tied up with jealousy that might be keeping me from moving forward? I’ve discovered the root cause of jealousy (and most negative thinking) is being dissatisfied with the distance between who we are and who we think we should be. When someone else is or has what we want, it makes us upset with them. But when we dig deeper, we discover we really are upset at ourselves for not being or having it yet. We may have misplaced values and aspirations that are not really where we still want or need to go.

I'm sure we all have role models living lives to which we may aspire. I want to make sure that I am not trying to have or do or be something that is not part of who I am or what I’m meant to be doing just because it looks or feels good when they have it or do it! Maybe the big mansion on the water with the chauffeured Rolls Royce isn’t really the place I belong. It takes a certain amount of energy (along with a bunch of money!) to keep up a place like that. Perhaps my energy would be better spent elsewhere! But if a house on the lake became a retreat center – for me or for my friends or clients – it could be worth the effort and upkeep.

As I grow older and enjoy my solitude and the flexibility that living below my means brings, I relish being able to pick up and travel anywhere I want any time. Should I desire to cruise on a yacht or drive a motorboat or stay in a cabin on the water, I can rent them and walk away with no worries – only great memories! Ownership doesn’t hold all the answers for everything one wants to do! It has taken me a while to realize this though.

Frankly, I’ve discovered I’m more of a country girl as far as enjoying nature and peaceful settings for inspiration – especially if there is water around me. But another part of me is the arts and culture, give-me-the-energy-of-the-crowd type of girl who loves high-rise condo living in a thriving sun-never-sets-on the-activity place like New York.

Having all these diverse interests and perspectives has helped me learn to be content with who I am, where I am, and what I have in my life. A grateful heart is the beginning of wisdom, I’m convinced.

So not N-V-N anyone else, but enjoying the moment wherever I am, has got to be the life for me! How about you?!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Contrasts of Great Art

I believe there are many analogies between the art world and our own lives.

I want to continue on the analogy I talked about in yesterday’s post, where I was learning about the encaustic (wax) process of art-making.
Sometimes in the process it may look like something has failed, there is too much dark and not enough beauty. But what I discovered is that even my darkest projects, when held up to the light, because of the transparent nature of the wax on the paper, allowed the light to shine through revealing amazing and beautiful textures and patterns!

Your life is a masterpiece. Although it can look like a mess until the Master is finished with it, there is no need to despair. Only God will know when your masterpiece is complete!

God’s nature is operative in us when we begin a relationship with him that brings to life our spiritual nature. That is where his light begins to shine through us to others.

Without God’s light shining through your life, you may appear dark and muddy in your outlook, and would certainly not be much of a positive influence to others. But once God’s light is reflected on you, the inherent beauty in your life circumstances are brought to light. You can begin to see that the darkest times are necessary in combination with the lighter times to bring out the useful contrast in making beautiful art –and to bring out the beautiful and amazing “art” of each life.

So it is necessary to have God’s light reflect on you to help you see the truth out of the darkness of your life. Once you accept his truth for you, his light begins to burn from a flicker to a burning passionate flame in you, as you feed the fire and spend time getting to know God. This is how his light inside you will begin to shine out on others, drawing them to God and reflecting their beauty as well.

No matter how things appear at first glance, God’s influence, his nature, and his abundant and unconditional love for you will shine through in even the darkest times, casting beautiful images on those who see your life in relation to the Light of God. The light of his Spirit will flow through you to touch others, even when you are unaware of it happening.

So even when you’re dealing with some special challenges, or things just don’t seem to be going your way, know that God is at work in you. His masterpiece is not yet complete. Others can still see God’s light shining through you – even when you least expect it! God, the Master Artist, will be the one to get all the glory then, as he draws people to himself through his light in us!

Take joy in everyday and trust God to work in you and through you to complete his beautiful handiwork in your life!
The top painting is the same as the bottom, with the bottom one held up to the light to reveal all the texture. More paintings can be viewed at:

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Walking on the Creative Side

My usual artistic expression is through the medium of oil paints. But I like to stay fresh and try various mediums and manipulations of color and texture. So I experiment in my studio from time to time. But I also enjoy taking new classes or studying others’ use of different processes.

Last night was one of those special times. I attended a workshop on doing encaustics. The process involves using a heated metal surface and waxy pigments that melt and bond quickly to the paper you’re using to pick up the colors and patterns. It involves a layering process, achieving different effects with each dip, swirl, move or pressure applied.

It is definitely a loose right brain kind of activity, where no thought is really needed, as it’s difficult at best to predict the kind of texture, pattern and color mixture on your paper that will emerge as you lift if off the hot plate. That can be liberating, as you are inspired by what each move produces that might direct you to the next color or addition to your work in progress. It can also be frustrating to those who demand order and predictability, and feel they have to have a plan before they approach art-making. For they may be disappointed if things don’t go the way they expect.

What the whole process reminds me of is how our lives are to be led by the Spirit. So often we want to know the whole plan – how everything we do now will turn out. But so often the shifting flow of life with its challenges and joys may propel us into areas that we never dreamed we’d go. We can come out to a place where, looking back, we couldn’t have even planned to be so amazing!

And sometimes it may look like something has failed, there is too much dark and not enough beauty. But what I discovered is that even my darkest projects, when held up to the light, because of the transparent nature of the wax on the paper, allowed the light to shine through revealing amazing and beautiful textures and patterns!

I believe there needs to be a balance of having solid fundamentals of right beliefs, knowing who God is and who you are in relationship to him and others. But the ultimate driving force behind your life should be moving with the Spirit in the ever-closer relationship of listening to his whispers of direction and moving with him to wherever that leads you.

God is the Master Artist who brings beauty and reflection of his character to our lives as we walk with him in relationship. May you be drawn closer to him today, listening to the loving whispers of his spirit as he propels you to walk joyfully in your destiny, creating a beautiful reflection of who God is - personified through the canvas of your life.
I call the encaustic on the top left "Lady in Bliss," my first attempt. Obviously, my emotions came through right away in the artwork! You'll notice the difference of the darker one and the one below with light shining through it. The ones on the right again are the same work, the lighter one with light behind it looking entirely different. For a slideshow of more pictures from the experience, visit:

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Rainy Nights and Fridays…

Friday night I attended an opening reception for an art show I’m featured in down at the oceanfront. Between negotiating the windy rain and finding a parking spot close by, we were happy to finally be inside tasting wine and cheese!

It was a delightful intimate show – the first of its kind at the Old Coast Guard Station, usually just a museum and gift shop. But just for one magical evening (and now extended to a month-long show) it was a nautical art gallery with beach themed paintings and photography.

Because it was a new and interesting venue, and a place most of us not visited, everyone was interacting in a more familial way. Even though the evening was less than friendly outside, the ambience of old and new friends amid photo shoots between boats and seafaring dudes in dioramas, warmed the evening and the hearts.

I was charmed by two lovely English ladies helping with refreshments, discussed the coming about of this premier show with the museum director, met a lively photographer from Brazil, as well as discovered opportunities in the gift shop for my art prints & cards.

As the reception drew to a close, we joined some old and new friends for a light dinner, while being further entertained by a talented musician at the piano bar. All in all, it was a memorable evening. It was definitely worth ignoring the weather and the early darkening night!

What I was reminded of, as I reflected on the evening, is what an impact your attitude and openness to new experiences, places and friends you haven’t met has on your direction in life. When you decide to just show up and be in the moment, enjoying the people, sights and sounds, drinking in everything you can with all your senses, you relax and are more ready to go with the flow.

It is in the ebbs and flows of life where relationships are formed, destinies are directed, life is lived out. The ebb and flow is like breathing in and breathing out. Both are back and forth, one exchanging positions for the other.

Make a decision to exchange thinking ahead and worry for relaxing and focusing on what’s happening in the moment. The future will take care of itself. Being truly present with someone is truly the best present you can give them. It will surprise you how great it feels when others get in the boat with you and join you in the moment as well!

Remember Jesus example as he was involved with boats? He ordered peace in the midst of a storm, spoke to an abundance of fish, and called Peter to walk on the water. He fully lived in each moment, and they became teachable moments for those who followed him. Letting Jesus in your boat will help you breathe better, relax more, and live life fully in each moment we have! Invite him to participate in your moments today.

Link to the Old Coast Guard Station:
For more pictures of the evening, visit:

Monday, October 20, 2008

Start to Finish

One of my art students has had a challenging time making it to class every week, due to a heavy traveling schedule with work (plus some family obligations). So the painting she’s been working on has been in process for 5 months, but with only eight actual weeks of painting time.

She will tell you today that persistence pays off! She’s delighted with her first painting, as you can probably tell by the photo. Although there were times when she wondered when she was going to be able to make it to class to finish up, she made it enough times to produce a beautiful finished painting! And now she's on to her next!

Let me ask you this: how many times in your life has a project or opportunity been haunting you, knowing that if you just kept at it and persisted that you would eventually complete it and feel great about sticking to it?

I don’t know about you, but since I have such a busy, creative mind, I seem to have too many ideas about things I’d like to do. Sometimes projects get started but not finished.

The best thing about starting is finishing. But you will never have a chance to finish if you never get started!

That’s why I like Nike’s brand of advice: “Just Do It!” I’ve found that once I just start something, no matter how I’m feeling about it, that it’s mostly downhill from there. My feelings start catching up with me and enjoying the process. Then I’ll come up with more creative ideas to make the project even better along the way. But if I never “jumped on the moving train,” I never would have gotten anywhere.

How long does it take to start something? While you’re thinking about that, let me share with you what I’ll often do when starting a session to work on one of my paintings. I will stand and study the painting and figure out what I need to do to finish it. I will visualize the areas to be painted and how they will look, and remember how great I will feel once the painting is done.

That usually is enough motivation for me to start mixing up the paint to work on it. Breaking it down into small areas of things to do also makes it more doable and more compelling.

So if you have projects that have been calling out to you to either start or bring to completion, why not look at them in a different way? Break them down into small sections. If you don’t have much time, give each part of the process a time value (e.g., putting down the layout on canvas - 15 minutes). Complete that part when you can. If you lack motivation, just look at the project for a few minutes and imagine yourself completing each part of it. Then just get everything together to begin - and start!

How long does it take to start something? Well, by now you probably know that it takes only as long as your decision to do so! So decide right now when you will complete the most nagging and important project. Get it in your appointment book or on your list, and then at the appointed time simply – begin! Think of how much more energy you’ll have freed up without worrying any longer about getting that one thing finished!

After all, God looks at the work he needs to do in you and me as compelling and certainly doable “projects,” as we are his workmanship, or his handiwork. (Ephesians 2:10) The Bible says God who started a good work in you will bring it to completion. (Philippians 1:6) You can trust his painting on the canvas of your life to be finished just at the right time – and a true work of infinite beauty! Let him work on another section of your life today!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Lessons in Engineering Your Life

Someone sent me a joke I’d like to share with you.

Scientists at NASA built a gun specifically to launch dead chickens at the windshields of airplanes, military jets, and the space shuttle, all traveling at maximum velocity.
The idea was to simulate the frequent incidents of collisions with airborne fowl to test the strength of the windshields.

British engineers heard about the gun and were eager to test it on the windshields of their new high-speed trains. Arrangements were made, and a gun was sent to the British engineers.

When the gun was fired, the engineers stood shocked as the chicken hurtled out of the barrel, crashed into the shatterproof shield, smashed it to smithereens, blasted through the control console, snapped the pilot's backrest in two, and embedded itself in the back wall of the cabin.

The horrified Brits sent NASA the disastrous results of the experiment, along with the designs for the windshield, and begged the U.S. scientists for suggestions.

NASA responded with a one-line memo: "Thaw the chicken."

How often have you jumped to conclusions, assumed something that wasn’t correct, or not thought through a process or decision? Or, heaven forbid, didn’t even read the manual?! (Gotcha!!)

We all make dumb mistakes, goof up and get things wrong. So when you do, what is your next step? Do you get mad at someone else, trying to find someone to blame for your predicament? Do you get mad at yourself, calling yourself dumb, stupid, and other unflattering names?

Or do you laugh at yourself, pick up the pieces and start again, get help, or at least learn from the experience?

I have been learning some things in my relationships and communications lately. Hopefully, the frozen chicken syndrome won’t apply to do any significant damage in the process before all is resolved!

I encourage you to stop the blame game, take the responsibility for the results in your life, forgive yourself, learn and move on to your next level of excellence!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Paint Your Life Better!

The pastor of our church discovered I was an artist. Right away he asked if I’d be interested in painting a mural on the wall of the nursery. This is where infants sleep and volunteers rock the babies needing it. He thought it would be great to give them a nice place to escape to when they’re rocking. After all, when someone holding a baby is peaceful, it can help the child calm down also.

In thinking about what I would paint on the wall, I wanted it to be something with depth, so their eye would take them far away. The only challenge with the wall was that there was a window on one end.

As I mulled over the challenge, I decided to make the window part of the painting. I incorporated it as part of a beach-type shack so it would blend in perfectly. That would add to the 3-D effect even more!

While I spent the day painting, I thought about the life and faith lessons involved. Several thoughts emerged:

  • We all have choices in life. You can accept a boring blank life or you can choose to do something about it, imagine the possibilities and add some color to your life! Take responsibility for who you are, what you see and do, and what you are becoming.

  • Life is what you make it. No matter what happens, good or bad, you can choose what you focus on. There were three other walls in the nursery room, so each person could make the choice about which way they'd face and what they would focus on as they were rocking.

  • Your life is a blank canvas. You can do anything with it you choose. It is just ripe with so many possibilities and potential to become something great – and interesting and beautiful to look at as well! So “put your thinking cap on,” as my teacher used to say, and do something with it!

Today would be a great day to look for all the potential in your life. What areas of challenges are there that could be turned around and used as an asset? How can you take your "window on the wall" from an obstacle to an opportunity?

What new things can you weave throughout the ordinary everyday patterns of your life? What little things can you add, take away, or tweak to make your day (and ultimately your life) more memorable? Enjoy the process!

For a link to our awesome church, visit:

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Symphony Conductor

Recently we went to hear the Virginia Symphony conducted by JoAnn Falletta in our new Sandler Performing Arts Center here in Virginia Beach.

What struck me as I was watching and listening to the music was the variety of the instruments, all playing together in harmony, creating such amazing sound pictures, even thought there were so many different types of instruments with various ranges, tones and timbres.

I thought of the difference between the onstage tune-up music before the concert, with each musician playing their own parts of the concert piece to warm up, but all doing their own thing with no conductor. What a cacophony of sounds! And how very different it was when the conductor first lifts his/her baton and coaxes the beautiful, orderly melodies and harmonies out of the individual instruments in the proper order!

It brought to my mind the thought of how we need to listen to the Conductor of the music of the universe in order to determine the part we need to play and when to play it. We all have different talents and different “instruments” on which to play our tune of life. But we need to play our best even though we may think our part is insignificant or doesn’t stand out to be heard as much as a soloist or the first violinist.

Think for a minute how hollow the sounds of the orchestra would be without a harp or keyboard, the deep throaty sounds of the oboe or tenor sax, the highs of a flute or piccolo; and of course, the drama of percussion, the steady beat of the drums or other tempo-keepers, or the strains from the strings to raise your spirits.

The conductor brings together all different types of instruments into beautiful harmony. This is just like God, who brings us all together for the special part he has for us to play in the song of life.

He has chosen different parts for all of us. Some will never or rarely have a key solo part, but need to provide that steady and dependable basic support with drums or percussion, or enhancement to help accent or bring out other key solo parts. Others bring added drama at the right time for emphasis. Still others bring harmony, running right below or above main melody, making the music more beautiful with the interplay of harmonics. All of us can’t have center stage parts.

If we only hear everyone playing their own thing together, it sounds cacophonous. And the sounds of individual players bring a weak uninteresting sound. But put altogether, it brings to life amazing and beautiful, expressive, bold, dramatic, moving, touching music to thrill our souls and totally inspire us in some great way!

Let us remember that we can do mighty things when all of us are working together and fulfilling the part we were put here to play! But we need a Conductor who sees the big picture to tell us when our tunes or technique needs to be adjusted to the perfect pitch and tempo to play the most inspiring music!
For more info on our symphony and conductor, visit: and

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Last week I interviewed a friend of mine for an inspirational internet program I’m introducing shortly. We were talking about how God speaks to us in different ways. Often his voice is as soft as a feather, but other times it can be as loud and dramatic as a lightning bolt or sunburst.

I have always found it amazing at the varied and creative ways God has spoken to me (and others as well). Sometimes it will be through the Bible, either when I’m reading it, hearing someone else quote it, or when a verse will just pop into my mind as an answer to a question or prayer. Other times my answer will come in a dream or a flash of insight. Help often comes out of the quiet places when the words just speak to me, as that “still, small voice” attributed to the Holy Spirit.

Then there are times when “signs and wonders” may appear. Whether they are truly miraculous in nature, or simple serendipities (or “God-zipities” – my term!), they occur when things line up and amazing coincidences happen. It could be as simple as that parking place that opens up just when you need it or the friend that calls you out of the blue when you were just thinking about them minutes or the day before.

I’ve also heard them called “God Incidents” rather than coincidence. But I like the term “God-zipities” because of the lightning fast responses to half-breathed prayers. What is amazing, if you think about it, is the fact that God already knows what we need and sends us little love pats or kisses to say hello and let us know we’re on his mind. It’s wonderful to know that he is right there with us, even when we may not have been thinking consciously about him!

I know God loves to make us smile. When we are smiling and happy in our growing relationship with him, we reflect more of his love and character to those around, who in turn will be more attracted to us and to God. He longs to have that intimate relationship with each of us.

I urge you to be more aware today of the little zips that he will be sending your way. So smile and take heart, thanking God and allowing yourself to be blessed by his zippy presents and his presence in your life today – and everyday!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Cut Down but Not Destroyed

Not long ago I had some trees cut down in my yard. The breaking off of one tree precipitated it (see blog from last week). I looked around to see what other tree surgery I might want done at the same time. There were two holly bushes in the front yard that had grown way oversized and were covering up part of the front window, not to mention sticking everybody who brushed by with their prickly leaves. It was time for them to go, I figured.

The company who removed the trees for me did not do stump grinding, so everything was just cut down to ground level and left till I could get someone else in.

Between traveling, a busy schedule, calling around for quotes, and then the fact that you have to call “Miss Utility” a week before any digging type operations are done, there has been a lag time, allowing a few shoots to pop up.

Hmm, I thought. There must be a lesson here!

No matter what you do to a tree or vegetation where there is still life in it, it will grow back again – usually bigger and stronger – and maybe even with more runners or suckers to cause more plants or trees to grow besides just the main one. That could have good and bad implications for our life as well.

If there is a root of evil or a tendency to sin or a bad habit we’re trying to change, if it’s just pushed to the background and still left as a quiet, comfortable option, it will come back. Unless it's completely cut out and replaced with something stronger and better, there won't be any better growth. The same thing will just take root and cause the same problem.

This could translate into bad habits, temptations, or playing with fire, when we think we’ve learned or are strong enough to handle that area again. Being totally done and free from those negatives in our lives can only be accomplished by true repentance, meaning turning our back on them and walking away, never to return to those things again. God can do the healing and remove the desire completely from us, replacing it with his own desires for good.

On the good side, sometimes if we go through bad stuff, we can feel like we’re “cut to the quick.” But even through our pain, when everything seems to be as low as it can go (the stump), it will heal and grow up again. This time it will be stronger, different, and even more fruitful.

The picture to the right is of a new fig tree that has grown on the other side of our fence since last year, when it was cut down to nothing, as it was right on the fence line.

In these cutting down situations, we will be better off in many ways than we were before. We can be looking for God’s hand of mercy, grace and strength in our lives to build us up and bring us up to a higher level.

After all, we are here to get to know God and how he works so we won’t be strangers when we’re with him forever! No matter what you’re going through right now - good or bad, why not tell God you’re glad he’s always with you and has the best in mind for your life?! Let him continue to grow the good things in you and around you.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Clingy Vines

I have some trumpet flowers of sorts growing on my deck. While the flowers are pretty, the vines drive me a little crazy, grabbing onto everything around them to hold on for support. Their sticky grabby claws grow onto the wooden rails, the flower box, and anything else that gets in its way! I’m always pulling the vines off, unwrapping them from my flower box and other plants, and rerouting them back around the stake in their pot. While they keep growing, they could, if left unchecked, choke the life out of everything that they grab onto.

Desperate people do desperate things! Do you have desperate, needy, clingy people in your life? Or do you have any of the characteristics of a clingy, needy person?

If either is true, go to God for his true perspective of you and others. Don’t you/they just need to find themselves lost in God’s love, wrapped up in his arms of mercy and grace? Perhaps you can be the one to point them in the right direction. Their dependence needs to be on God, not exterior things or other people’s approval.

Once you have embraced that for yourself and remind yourself as often as necessary, you will be more of a powerhouse to let the clingy needy vines (people or addictions) go from your life, particularly if retraining the vines where to grow has failed. You and I need to just keep being grafted in to the True Vine through Jesus Christ in order to be strong inside, no longer needing validation from exterior sources.

Embrace the True Vine today! Here are some verses to ponder as you do:

  • "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13)
  • "I am the vine, you are the branches… If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)
  • Continue reading through the whole chapter of John 15. You will be strengthened by the analogy, which continues to talk about God’s great love for you as well.

Thank God he’s all you’ll ever need today and every day!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Cracked Under Pressure

Last week I talked about the tree in our backyard that had part of it snap and break off during some strong winds. I did some more thinking about that tree.

What actually caused the tree to give in to the winds this time? It had been buffeted by high winds, even gales and tropical storms, before and never succumbed.

  • Perhaps it had been buffeted till it cracked at its weakest point then gave way and snapped off.
  • Maybe the wind blew at the wrong angle for too long and stressed the weakest point of the tree.
  • With its soft wood, too many storms and too much pressure may have caused it to finally give in and crack.

Are your cracks showing from the stresses and strains of life? Or are you solidly rooted, hunkered down, and weathering the storms of life with grace and strength?

What areas of your life are weakest that need shoring up or shearing off? Do you even have the right type of tree (life values and priorities) planted to live long and strong and withstand the tests of time and wind and trials?

When I think of trees that have stood the test of time, I have to think of the bent and gnarly sea pines, hunkered low to the ground. They thrive by the ocean, with many of them growing in our area. They are well able and designed perfectly to withstand the coastal weather, complete with floods, nor’easters and hurricanes that sometimes come through this area. So also are the live oak trees.

Even when the storms of life come your way, you can have confidence in making it through with power and strength, as God’s power is made perfect in your weakness. Thank him that he has made you strong enough to withstand anything as you appropriate his grace, mercy, and strength for your everyday life!

More pix of sea pines and live oaks by the Chesapeake Bay are here:

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

God's Global Perspective

In light of all the things that are going on not only in our country but globally, now is the time to take heed of God’s words to us in the past, as I read on the wall to the left:

"If my people, which are called by my name shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways: then will I hear from
heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." - Ezekiel 7:14, KJV

We need to pray fervently for our country – for wise decisions to be made regarding the economy, the elections, bipartisanship, terrorism and the war, along with the other critical areas that need our focus to resolve. We need also to get beyond our myopic views and open our eyes to the world scene, where the banking crisis is taking its toll in one way or another on most countries. Only a miracle, an intervention from God, can turn things around without a long and painful haul to put things upright again. A lot of water has gone under the bridge and it won’t be easy to get it to flow back upstream again.

Even so, God promises to be with us through whatever happens to us in this life. When we walk with him in close fellowship, knowing his love in our lives, then his “perfect love casts out all fear.” (1 John 4:18 )

I have to throw in my favorite verse found in 2 Timothy 1:7 – “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.”

Now more than ever we need to cling to his promises and stay wrapped tightly in his love. Remember who holds the world and all our tomorrows in the palm of his hands. Rest in that! Do what is prudent, but trust in him and sleep well!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

"Zoning In & Out" in Historic Smithfield

Ever so often my husband and I like to get away for a short weekend trip. We enjoy exploring more of the beautiful area we live in, so like to find places an hour or two away to explore.

We just returned from a trip to Smithfield, Va. You guessed it! Home of Smithfield ham and also the Gwaltney line of meat products. We actually stayed in the Joseph Luter suite (he’s the founder of Smithfield Ham) at the Smithfield Inn, a historic Bed and Breakfast (B&B). Of course, we had to drive by the plant to see where and how large it was. There was even a special aroma of slightly smoked ham in the air, wafting through town when the breeze blew just right!

During the weekend there happened to be a mostly country music festival going on, with music in several outdoor parks during the day, and a main concert with Mike Aiken in the Smithfield Little Theatre in the evening. It was great strolling around Main Street in the historic district listening to music, enjoying art shops, gift and antique shops, cafes, and our favorite: the Olde World Tea Company. We chose some exotic tea blends for our iced tea tasting (Island Delight was my favorite) and headed for their lovely outdoor patio area to sip and breathe and enjoy strains of the outdoor music performers.

As the picture perfect day with blue skies, a few fluffy clouds and mid-seventies warmed our bodies and our hearts, I couldn’t help talking to everyone around about what a great place and a great day I was enjoying. Seems everyone else responded in kind! The townspeople were as excited about everyone discovering their well-kept secret as were the visitors to be experiencing it. Because of my "outgoingness," I managed to have a lot more fun, meet some cool people, learn some interesting things, and make some great connections that will lead to my return and showing my art in more locations.

Not only was it great to get away and breathe, relax and explore new things. I was also reminded once again that when you reach out to people, expect to have a great time, or are so full of good feelings that it can’t help but overflow to everyone you meet, you experience amazing things and serendipities that come into your path. I felt like I was in the “Happy Zone” the whole time there. I tend to believe there are no strangers - only friends I haven't met - and I'm usually excited to meet them all! ;-)

As the sun went down, we rocked awhile on the front porch of the Inn, then enjoyed a glass of wine in the garden restaurant in the side yard and chatted with a few people before we headed inside the gourmet restaurant on the premises.

In the morning, I was still in the Zone, as we headed off to Little Zion Baptist Church, where Steve knew the pastor. As expected, we were just about the only Caucasians in the house, but we got right into rockin’ and rollin’ in the flow of the spirit of love that permeated that wonderful country church. I think I received more hugs Sunday morning than I had gotten in one place for a long time! It was refreshing! And the music and preaching was genuine - from the heart and inspiring. (Link to: )

I hope I have inspired you today to get more "zoned in" so the great things in you can flow out to more people to bless them - and then flow back to bless you more!

And if you are ready to "zone out," consider a quick getaway to Smithfield or somewhere you've not yet explored near your home.

Here’s the link to more pix of our trip:

Check out what’s going on in Smithfield! We loved it! The pace is much more relaxing than nearby Williamsburg, and a lot less commercial. Prices are great and the townsfolk and proprietors are friendly and helpful. In fact, I plan to be back and involved more in their arts program, especially the Second Fridays, in which I was invited to display my art.

For more Smithfield info, go here:,,,,,

Monday, October 6, 2008

Tree Down

In one of our recent storms this summer, about a third of a lovely Bradford pear tree in our backyard came crashing down, landing on the fence. The bulk of the branches hovered over into our neighbor’s yard. At the time it happened, I was upstairs watching the storm with an art student while teaching. It looked ominous outside, with thunder and lightning and some fierce wind gusts. But all seemed well until I looked out five minutes later and saw the tree on the fence!

Hoping to save the fence and our neighbor’s garden from further damage, and not wanting to wait until 8 o’clock when my husband would be home, I headed out after the class was over with a hand saw and some clippers to see what I could do. The main trunk with all the branches attached was way too heavy to pull back off the fence. Besides, a large branch was jammed into the metal pickets. Pulling it out or back required tremendous strength or a different plan of attack. So I chose to attack it one branch at a time to get as much weight off the tree and fence as possible.

Once the load got lighter, the tree’s weight started shifting it to a different place. I was able to pull the tree further back off the fence and kept removing more of the smaller branches till enough weight was lifted to pull the tree almost totally off the fence. I continued to cut off all I was able to, before it got dark and I thought things were pretty much under control.

The next morning I had my husband help me take care of removing the rest, since I needed his muscle power to lift it up off the fence and pull it back at the same time. Although the fence will never be the same, with its dent and sag, I was happy that only a part of the tree had fallen. I was relieved that it had not damaged anyone else’s house or the wooden fence on our other neighbor’s side, which would have been totally shattered. Even through the aggravation, there were blessings to perceive.

Sometimes the storms of life have a way of changing things too. Once a familiar part of your life is suddenly gone, your perspective will never be the same. You have choices. You can bemoan the fact it’s gone and keep complaining about something that can’t be changed. Or you can accept what’s happened, work quickly to prevent further damage by addressing the problem immediately, and count all the blessings that you received. Your blessings could include the damage and far-reaching repercussions that were NOT done and things that you were spared from. They could also include the whole new horizon you have, or the fact that dangerous or unproductive things were removed from your life.

As it turned out, we found out how soft the wood is from this type of tree. With the height it had grown, it was the best time to get rid of the whole tree, as it was now too precariously balanced and could cause worse problems if left to its own. So we had the tree removed. What a difference it makes in our garden now! There is lots of light and we’ve had a banner crop of tomatoes because of it! (I know you know that, if you read my blog last week!) Even the light coming in the master bath upstairs is so much greater now! So I have a sunnier disposition to start off my day!

I hope my story helps you to face the storms that will inevitably come in your life. I encourage you to look for the blessings and the sun hiding behind a seemingly bad mishap. Do what you can to salvage the things you should, but let go of the rest and claim the blessings of a different perspective afterwards!