Monday, March 30, 2009

Counting Down to Debt Freedom Day!

"Owe no man anything, except to love him." - Romans 13:8, KJV

I'm sure you're familiar with that verse. There are many verses in Proverbs that also talk about the snares of being in debt and how it can suck the life out of a person.

How about you? Do you have debt, or does it have you?

Being a slave to debt holds many people back from doing what they really want in life. What would YOU be doing if you had no debt?

Think about it for a minute!

If you're looking to get out of debt in record time so you can get on with your real life, I may have the perfect solution for you. The program I'm about to share with you is sweeping the country and has already changed many lives.

How would you like a plan that helps you get there without changing your lifestyle (no scrimping, getting 2 more jobs, or living a deprived life!), and uses the same money you already have? This capitalizes on using the power of interest to work FOR you instead of against you. You have total control and just use your money in a different way, like the banks do.

Many well-respected people have endorsed and are using this program. And Ernst & Young gave it an Entrepreneur of the Year Award last year. I am using it myself, along with several of my family members and friends.

Check out the videos at: to see how you can pay off your mortgage and all your debts in half to a third of the time. Once you've viewed the overview videos, contact me through: to find out more and obtain a free analysis to see how this will work for you.

You will be surprised how quickly you can reach your own Debt Freedom Day!

"Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law." - Romans 13:8, NIV

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