When I recently enjoyed a cup of chai tea at home, my mind was playing with the words and I ended up with “chai tea or tai chi” running through my head. (Pronounced “chī tē or tī chē.”)

That led me on a journey to connect the two by their commonality and see what I could take from this mind game to enhance my life! As it happens, they both can contribute to better health. Taking time for a tea break and letting out the breath you’ve been holding in with your tensions all day is a great stress reliever. With tai chi as a form of stretching, balance, and even somewhat of a strengthening routine as well, it helps increase your concentration and confidence as a bi-product, along with relieving stress.
What are you doing in your day to give your body a break, which can nourish your soul and spirit as well? Do you have a special place you can go to breathe, relax, let it all hang out, and wind down? Even if you’re in the middle of a busy environment, you can have that place in your mind to retreat to. Think of a wonderful vacation retreat: Feel the warmth of the sun and breathe in the air there for a moment or two before you get back to work.
You could take a quick break from your desk or other circumstances if possible for even a few minutes to get up and stretch and move, walk and breathe, and ultimately get your mind focused on something different for a mind break as well. You might even want to set a timer or use a computer program to help you “put your hands up and step away from your desk!” every 60 minutes or so. Try it for one day and see what a difference it makes in your attitude, your alertness, and your productivity. You might just make it part of your normal routine!
Perhaps you work alone. Your break might need to be from yourself! Maybe it’s time to visit with someone socially for a few minutes over a cup of chai tea (or something else you prefer), even if it’s just over the phone. But nothing beats the human touch and a face-to-face if you have a neighbor or nearby friend you can chat with regularly.
In the meantime, you have the greatest Friend and Restorer of your soul who’s always with you. He has promised to give you rest from the weariness of your soul.
I’ve also been told: “A belly laugh a day keeps the doctor (and psychologist!) away!” Have you had your belly laugh today? If you want a few laughs, go to my website at: www.Real-Life-Institute.com/articles and click on “Rough Day” in the top right box. You can also Google some joke sites or funny pictures on the internet. Share them with a friend. It’ll do you both good! And remember not to take yourself too seriously!
althy and prevent getting burned out. It’s important to take care of yourself, as a good steward caring for the Temple of the Lord, which your body is. With the mind-body connection, taking that mind break and keeping your perspective and attitude right is all part of a well-balanced life.
And know that God is always there to help you with your burdens, to trade yours for his as part of walking along the journey yoked with him (the stronger carries the most weight, the other only what they are able to carry). So stay close to him and rest in his great love for you today!

That led me on a journey to connect the two by their commonality and see what I could take from this mind game to enhance my life! As it happens, they both can contribute to better health. Taking time for a tea break and letting out the breath you’ve been holding in with your tensions all day is a great stress reliever. With tai chi as a form of stretching, balance, and even somewhat of a strengthening routine as well, it helps increase your concentration and confidence as a bi-product, along with relieving stress.
What are you doing in your day to give your body a break, which can nourish your soul and spirit as well? Do you have a special place you can go to breathe, relax, let it all hang out, and wind down? Even if you’re in the middle of a busy environment, you can have that place in your mind to retreat to. Think of a wonderful vacation retreat: Feel the warmth of the sun and breathe in the air there for a moment or two before you get back to work.

You could take a quick break from your desk or other circumstances if possible for even a few minutes to get up and stretch and move, walk and breathe, and ultimately get your mind focused on something different for a mind break as well. You might even want to set a timer or use a computer program to help you “put your hands up and step away from your desk!” every 60 minutes or so. Try it for one day and see what a difference it makes in your attitude, your alertness, and your productivity. You might just make it part of your normal routine!
Perhaps you work alone. Your break might need to be from yourself! Maybe it’s time to visit with someone socially for a few minutes over a cup of chai tea (or something else you prefer), even if it’s just over the phone. But nothing beats the human touch and a face-to-face if you have a neighbor or nearby friend you can chat with regularly.
In the meantime, you have the greatest Friend and Restorer of your soul who’s always with you. He has promised to give you rest from the weariness of your soul.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” - Matthew 11:27-29, NIVHe brings refreshing when you need it. Take a moment to read or recall the calming words of Psalm 23. Make sure you review all the verses where the Good Shepherd takes you down the path to quiet places and “restores my soul.” (Go to the passage online at: http://tinyurl.com/9g8jv if you like.)
I’ve also been told: “A belly laugh a day keeps the doctor (and psychologist!) away!” Have you had your belly laugh today? If you want a few laughs, go to my website at: www.Real-Life-Institute.com/articles and click on “Rough Day” in the top right box. You can also Google some joke sites or funny pictures on the internet. Share them with a friend. It’ll do you both good! And remember not to take yourself too seriously!
“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” – Proverbs 17:22All of these techniques are ways to keep your mind and body he

And know that God is always there to help you with your burdens, to trade yours for his as part of walking along the journey yoked with him (the stronger carries the most weight, the other only what they are able to carry). So stay close to him and rest in his great love for you today!
"The joy of the Lord is my strength!" - Nehemiah 8:10b
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