In my looking for spiritual analogies around me, I came up with the thought that perhaps this was my subconscious way of letting the hostess know I wanted to give them something to handle the hot issues in life! (I know it’s a stretch, but indulge me, please!)
I can think of nothing better to get over the “hot” uncomfortable or crisis-type times (or hot flashes!) in life than to drench yourself in the refreshing and peaceful showers of the love of God. Not only does He give us cool, wet places when we’re hot and thirsty (remember the Twenty-third Psalm?), but He warms us up inside and out when we’re cold and lonely. He knows what we need before we ask. His loving arms are waiting to enfold us in His love.
The painting above is one I call "Changing States." This may be a good analogy of three ways to deal with one element (solid, liquid, gas, for you non-chemistry students)! Perhaps you need to blow off a little steam or thaw out a little and return to your normal refreshing state! I know I do from time to time... 

Here is another painting I did called “Peaceful Pond” (to the right), as well as "Marsh Magic" and "East Beach Morn." I’ve included these to parallel spiritual places of healing and rest. I hope you enjoy them!

So if you need to, take a moment and breathe in the peace and cool of these places. If you're holding a hot potato in your life right now, just cool down and regain perspective. Maybe it's time to take a "Time Out!" and just snuggle up with your Heavenly Father to be refreshed by his great love for you.
As I go about my daily life and interactions with others, my prayer is that I’ll keep myself close and filled up enough with God’s love so that it can flow out to others and bring them refreshing for their hot, thirsty souls. Wherever there is a need, I want to let my mouth, my hands and feet, or my arms bring a special word or touch from God.
I trust you will be refreshed today and join me in this prayer for your own life to be a blessing as well.
I trust you will be refreshed today and join me in this prayer for your own life to be a blessing as well.
P.S. For more inspirational art, visit my website at: http://www.loisgalloart.com/
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