Since they are an island with no freshwater source, all house construction starts by digging a deep foundation with a room about the size of one bedroom (probably a quarter of the first floor footprint). This is where their water storage will ultimately be.
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This got me to thinking about the spiritual analogies this could have for my life.
- Do I have a storeroom - a place in my life where I go to access God’s refreshment for my everyday needs?
- Am I letting his Living Water flow through me, as a clean unclogged conduit for his flow of love to others?
- Am I willing to share what He has given me with others who are thirsting for him?
With the saltwater all around, those who drink it become parched, dry and thirsty
for a different kind of water. Those who are drinking from the sea of life and focusing on what can satisfy their own self-centered needs eventually become thirsty for something real, satisfying, lasting and truly thirst-quenching.
How do we capture, conserve, and share the Water of Life with those who need what we have through Christ?
I pray that you will come to the waters today and drink deeply from the well that will never run dry! Spend time with God, praising, thanking, and loving him. Sit in his presence letting him shower and delight you with his great love poured out on you. Soak in this shower a while! Be refreshed and gain the strength you need to live life well and to be a blessing to others. Let God pour out his water of life through your life today!
(For more insight into living water, see John 4: 13-14 and the story of the Samaritan woman. Read also Isaiah 55, the invitation to the thirsty.)
If you need some "soaking" music to facilitate your special time with God today, check out this link for a few free music tracks that I believe will bless you.
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