I find that so often in life it is true that we “have not because we ask not” or as the Scripture passage goes on to say, we ask in order to spend it unwisely on our passions. Thank God He spares us from our unwise or foolish requests that can bring us more harm than good!
I am very willing to do or give something to my husband, children, or friends if it’s something I know they want or need. But if I don’t know they need it (they never tell me about it), or if I am unsure how much they really want it, it does not become important enough for me to spend the time, money or effort to do it or give it to them. So they do without.
I believe God our Heavenly Father is the same in many ways. He often waits to bring something good into our lives until we seriously ask Him for it. Not that he is just sitting on the sidelines to come at our beck and call, as a genie or servant! No, he is more like a loving parent – not withholding good things from us, but perhaps waiting to bring some extra blessing into our life when we are ready for it, and will see it as God’s hand moving to bestow the gift upon us. And perhaps, as a Father, He knows when we are truly ready to receive the awesome gifts He has for us.
I am very willing to do or give something to my husband, children, or friends if it’s something I know they want or need. But if I don’t know they need it (they never tell me about it), or if I am unsure how much they really want it, it does not become important enough for me to spend the time, money or effort to do it or give it to them. So they do without.
I believe God our Heavenly Father is the same in many ways. He often waits to bring something good into our lives until we seriously ask Him for it. Not that he is just sitting on the sidelines to come at our beck and call, as a genie or servant! No, he is more like a loving parent – not withholding good things from us, but perhaps waiting to bring some extra blessing into our life when we are ready for it, and will see it as God’s hand moving to bestow the gift upon us. And perhaps, as a Father, He knows when we are truly ready to receive the awesome gifts He has for us.

So it’s up to us to ask and trust that he will bring them into our lives at the right time. But sometimes, we need to just walk in faith as if we had already received his particular gift – to thank God for bringing it into our life at the best time. We need to show God (and sort out for ourselves in the process) if it is really that important to us to receive it. Is this something you really, really desire in your life? Would this bring greater blessings to you and others as well? If so, agree with God and ask boldly. Then thank Him, expect to receive it, and act accordingly!
I think of the story of the unjust judge who gave justice finally to the woman who was persistent in asking for it. (Luke 18:1-8) She wanted it enough that she kept at him until he gave in.
How sure are you of all that you are asking for in your life today? I want to be sure to set my priorities right and follow after God’s heart and vision for my life. That way I can come to Him in confidence and ask knowing I’ll receive. My life will then be more of a blessing to others in the process.
It is my hope that my writings here will facilitate more of God’s blessings flowing into your life. So take this gift from me today, as you go forward to (hopefully!) enjoy a rest from your labor this Labor Day weekend!