What a difference just one day can make!
Yesterday I was out enjoying the beautiful flowers and flowering trees in the yard and neighborhood. The day was sunny and beautiful, with short sleeves in order. It appeared that spring had definitely sprung!
What a difference today! Rain showers and overcast skies greeted the day and popped up intermittently throughout. And just to show you the difference in flowers from one day to the next, take a look at these two pictures. One I took just yesterday and the other today (in between showers!). It always amazes me how fast things seem to grow once the first green shoot sticks its head up through freshly mulched
Think about the different days you’ve had for a minute. Many of them are just routine, all fading into a blur with the commonalities of everyday life. But some jump right out in your memory, as defining moments, when nothing stayed the same after them.
Perhaps the moment may have been a serious event that changed the direction of your life. It could have been a business decision, a job loss, a health diagnosis, a relationship crisis or divorce, or a serious accident.
Or perhaps it could have been an insight or paradigm shift that caused you to make a decision to change your life direction and go God’s way – or the opposite. Or a variety of other things in between.
Take a moment to think about the difference of a day long ago when Jesus rode into Jerusalem amid shouts of “Hosanna!” (meaning “save us.). He was being hailed as the Messiah, the coming King who would save his people. Garments were thrown before his path, palm branches were waved. He was treated with honor and respect due a kingly office.
But the next major scene shows the fickle crowd turned against him only days later. His plan to save them did not line up with their expectations. Amid shouts of “Crucify him!” Jesus laid down his life like a sheep led to slaughter. He died with a crown of thorns to symbolize his kingly office and the suffering servant.

Indeed, only a couple days later, he truly did complete the plan of the coming king to save his people, through his resurrection and power over sin and death.
What a difference a day makes! Ponder the differences of the days and the mindsets of the people and of Christ: from the Palm Sunday parade to the crucifixion of Good Friday and on to Easter morning and the arisen Lord and King!
May this Holy Week make you more aware of the importance and fragility of life. We know not what the next day will hold. Let the Risen Christ rise within your heart and change your world today!
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” – John 3:16-17, NIV
Yesterday I was out enjoying the beautiful flowers and flowering trees in the yard and neighborhood. The day was sunny and beautiful, with short sleeves in order. It appeared that spring had definitely sprung!
What a difference today! Rain showers and overcast skies greeted the day and popped up intermittently throughout. And just to show you the difference in flowers from one day to the next, take a look at these two pictures. One I took just yesterday and the other today (in between showers!). It always amazes me how fast things seem to grow once the first green shoot sticks its head up through freshly mulched

Think about the different days you’ve had for a minute. Many of them are just routine, all fading into a blur with the commonalities of everyday life. But some jump right out in your memory, as defining moments, when nothing stayed the same after them.
Perhaps the moment may have been a serious event that changed the direction of your life. It could have been a business decision, a job loss, a health diagnosis, a relationship crisis or divorce, or a serious accident.
Or perhaps it could have been an insight or paradigm shift that caused you to make a decision to change your life direction and go God’s way – or the opposite. Or a variety of other things in between.
Take a moment to think about the difference of a day long ago when Jesus rode into Jerusalem amid shouts of “Hosanna!” (meaning “save us.). He was being hailed as the Messiah, the coming King who would save his people. Garments were thrown before his path, palm branches were waved. He was treated with honor and respect due a kingly office.
But the next major scene shows the fickle crowd turned against him only days later. His plan to save them did not line up with their expectations. Amid shouts of “Crucify him!” Jesus laid down his life like a sheep led to slaughter. He died with a crown of thorns to symbolize his kingly office and the suffering servant.

Indeed, only a couple days later, he truly did complete the plan of the coming king to save his people, through his resurrection and power over sin and death.
What a difference a day makes! Ponder the differences of the days and the mindsets of the people and of Christ: from the Palm Sunday parade to the crucifixion of Good Friday and on to Easter morning and the arisen Lord and King!
May this Holy Week make you more aware of the importance and fragility of life. We know not what the next day will hold. Let the Risen Christ rise within your heart and change your world today!
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” – John 3:16-17, NIV
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