This was my first time to a LWML retreat. In fact, since I’ve only been attending the Lutheran church for under two years, I didn’t know much about the missions group and what they did.
My first visit to a LWML meeting was an end of year luncheon that was not a typical meeting. It was in a local restaurant where there was mostly fellowship with a brief business meeting at the end. I thoroughly enjoyed the ladies I met and planned to join them in the fall for their regular meetings. During the business meeting, they said there was a need for a person to present a devotional at each meeting. Since I love to speak and share how I see God moving in my life and the world around me, I volunteered. Another lady spoke up and joined me as co-chair.
Since September when we presented our first devotional, I’ve learned a lot about who the LWML is and how they work. Things were not as I had perceived from an outsider’s view, as usually is true in everything! As I developed more friendships through the group, I looked forward to the retreat at a conference center I’d always wanted to visit. And I looked forward to getting to know more of the women in my group better at the event.
Little did I know what amazing things were in store for me!
I shared a ride and a room with a lady from my group I didn’t know at all. She was a treasure, with such a kind and sweet spirit and great faith that showed, even though she had been going through a lot of things with her family’s troubles.
We were the only ones from our church who stayed overnight on the Friday night. My roommate knew most all the ladies present from the other churches, so we were invited to sit at various tables for different events throughout the evening. It was great to meet lots of women from the area and find out about their churches and their LWML group’s projects and activities.
Not only did we have a whole lot of fun together, but the retreat center was locat
Now here I was at my first LWML Zone Retreat - enjoying the beautiful natural setting, the great fellowship and fun and meeting new ladies from the area. I kept getting volunteered to read Bible passages, be a team leader, and be in a skit. I was having too much fun, I think!
Then during the business meeting midday on Saturday, they were looking for new officers to lead the area for the next two years. Some of the ladies told me I should volunteer. I told them I was so new I really probably wasn’t the right candidate for any of the jobs. Well, they introduced me to the nominating committee who immediately jumped all over me and begged me to be the new president. I guess they were looking for some “fresh meat!” and it looked like I was it!
After some going back and forth and finding out more about what the job entailed, I finally acquiesced. The women in my group that had nominated me said it didn’t matter about knowing all about the organization; they just felt I was presidential material & that was all that mattered to them! I was amazed! But I figured it would be a great way to widen my circle of friends and influence, as well as learn a lot more than I ever might normally about the bigger picture of the LWML.
A strange way to step up to leadership by going on a retreat! But my prayer and purpose in going was to be a blessing to others and to see how God wanted to use me further. I think my “mistake” was in asking God to “enlarge my territory” as in Jabez’s prayer.
Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, "Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain." And God granted his request. - 1 Chronicles 4:10, NIV
Be assured he is just waiting for you to ask and he will do it! ;-)
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