Since then we have managed to meet at least monthly as a group, usually for dinner somewhere. It may be a restaurant one month and someone’s home the next. In between times, the “GF’s” may get together individually to do fun things, do business together, share insights and resources or ideas, or simply call or email to keep in touch. We have our own online photo album of shared times together. And there’s an instant prayer chain, as we rally around each other when there are times someone needs extra prayer for a situation.
In this hectic-paced society with fragmented family units there just seems to be a greater lack of community than ever before. The family, relatives, and community support of those being more aware and in touch with their neighbors have waned over the past few decades. In light of divided families, the transient nature of our society, privacy and isolation desires as people are jammed closer together in larger cities not knowing their neighbors – all is exacerbated by the further isolation through internet-based communications versus the previous high-touch methods.
Many live in fear and loneliness and even guilt. Or they live at a high pace that wo
So the insights from all this societal philosophy I’ve presented is that there are deep needs for meaningful relationships. These needs are undulating just below the surface in many people, waiting for a tender loving touch to draw them out.
Will you be the one God uses today to reach out and touch someone at a deeper level? Will you be the first one to reach out a hand of friendship to someone in need? Are you willing to just listen to those whose hearts are aching to share what they feel inside – whether joys or sorrows?
If you’re wishing you could have a few more close friends, why not start your own GirlFriends Club with a few women God brings your way?

When I prayed for God to send me a couple of good friends, he told me to find some ladies who were looking for a friend and then for me to be one to them. I have more GF’s than I ever imagined with this approach!
God is so good! If you’ll ask him for what you want – and then wait expectantly, you will see how he’ll amaze you with his answers!
"So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." - Luke
"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." - Jeremiah 29:13
"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." - Jeremiah 33:3
For pictures of our GF Club to inspire you to start your own, visit our photo album at: