In the springtime, a couple of robins built a nest in the flower box on our deck. We couldn’t help but notice! Soon there were baby birds. It was awesome to actually see them hatch. Everyday I went out to check on the babies and take a picture. You can see how they grew to be fat and happy and almost too big for their nest! Well, I guess momma bird thought so too. She must have pushed them out of the nest while I was gone one day, as the nest was empty when I returned.
I just had to stop and think about God’s love and care for us being like the bird

In looking at this picture of the silly satisfied grins on the little birds’ faces, I couldn’t help but think of the many times God has provided more than enough for me.

There are many places in the Bible that talk about God’s meeting our provision, filling our mouth with good things. “Taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8) is one of them.
Then there was the manna God provided to the Israelites in the wilderness every day. It was their daily provision. Just like Jesus told us in the Lord’s Prayer to ask for God to “give us this day our daily bread” so we recognize where everything comes from that we need. God makes sure that all our needs are met. He gives us just enough for what we need, when we need it.
The Israelites were on their way to the "land of milk and honey" – an eleven day trip through the wilderness that took 40 years! Even though they were whiners and complainers and outright disobedient, God still faithfully provided for them, and eventually brought the next generation, who honored God, into an abundant land.
Where are you in your life? In the wilderness with God faithfully providing just what you need when you need it? Or stepping into the land of milk and honey, having learned the major faith lessons you needed to in order to walk in God’s best for you?
I challenge you to expand your view of God and your relationship with Him. He is waiting to give you even more wonderful gifts, as you walk closer in trust and faith and obedience to Him.
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