You may have noticed I haven't published a blog post for the last two months. In case you wondered if I fell off the planet, I actually didn't! But I have been in the "plan it" stages of a new vision God has given me.
This vision has brought a huge step up of faith and action, with an amazing unfolding, including quite a few trips, a whole new circle of friends, and the beginnings of a great support team of thinkers and doers. So I have been focused on going from "good to great," as author Jim Collins likes to say!
For news and insights into what I've been up to, visit: http://heartandpower.org/.
If you have enjoyed my writings and posts to date, you can continue to be inspired in the future. I will be continuing my writing through several books and ebooks I am producing. I will also post lessons I'm learning at this site as time permits.
So stay tuned for the next chapters of life to unfold...!
In the meantime, as I always like to relate your life to mine, why not carve out some time to hear what God might be saying to you about expanding your vision?
What I discovered is that God is not looking to send us somewhere unpleasant or to do something we hate: quite the opposite. It would be senseless for God to have given us talents, abilities, skills, ideas and passions and then ask us to do something totally the opposite of what He has been preparing us for (unless that area is a needed part of future preparation).
I have been amazed at how God has brought all the crazy things I've done and enjoyed into the vision He has for me now. He has taken my interests in writing, speaking, coaching, studying human nature & spiritual issues, and even my artistic side plus the financial services career - and all the other experiences of being an entrepreneur and leader.
Now he has rolled that all into one ball of wax and sent me spinning down the alley of life thoroughly enjoying the ride along the way to where He is aiming me! Only He really knows where the destination is, as we see only the small view ahead of us as He reveals it. But I sure am enjoying the scenery along the way!
My main verse for this season is:
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." - 2 Timothy 1:7, NIV
May you be empowered by God's love and his power to move forward with the discipline and wisdom of a sound mind, as you step out and up today!