Think about it: God is at work day in and day out. There are signs and wonders that he sprinkles all around us.
We don’t always recognize his hand at work in our lives. In fact, he speaks to us in many ways that we do not even perceive. Charging around, often at breakneck speeds in our frenetic worlds, we barely have time to catch up with ourselves, much less hear that still small voice.
I have purposely chosen to scale my activities and projects down in the last several years. It’s been my desire to be quieter inside, to discover who I really need to be, and to reconnect with God on a more intimate level.
Since I have done so, my awareness of God communicating to me has been enhanced. I am more acutely tuned to hearing his whispers of hope and encouragement, feeling his touches of love, and perceiving the life lessons occurring in my everyday life.
Sometimes the simplest things in life are the basis for eternal truths. I have found that God can speak in the most interesting and individual ways – ways that especially have significance just for me. It could be a profound or simple insight, a specific answer to a fast-breathed prayer, some symbolic sign in nature, or just a dream that speaks clearly to me. It may be a speaker I hear, a message on TV, or just a friend’s comment or email. There are many ways God will intersect with our lives.
It is interesting to share these God messages and the faith lessons we learn from them. It is my hope that you will be encouraged to still your heart and mind and spirit. Look and listen for the lessons and love that God desires to shower upon you.
I want to hear how God is working in your life. It is great to encourage one another! I look forward to reading your comments. I will be happy to share the best stories with the readers.
Your friend in discovery,
P.S. Although this blog is titled “Daily Faith Lessons,” I don’t expect to be posting every day. My thought of "daily" is based on the awareness of God’s activities around us. When I have something interesting enough to share, I will post it. You are welcome to sign up for the email notification. Or sign up for the RSS feed so you can get a notice when I make a post if you prefer. I hope we can stay in touch, as I have some exciting projects I’m working on that I trust will encourage and benefit you further in living a more extraordinary life every day!